12 Laps

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Becca looked at me up and down then ran off towards the training field. As I got to the training field I looked around. I made the black moon pack ran 12 laps around their packhouse. Once they were done I told them to enjoy the rest of the day. I walked back towards The Black Moon Packhouse becca comes up to me breathing hard and smile saying" I am so glad you guys came here to help me and my mate packs. It was so kind".

I looked at Becca " Yea its no big deal". "What's your mate name anyway and when can I meet him," I asked back looking Becca up and down. "We call my mate Sky and he will be here soon he had to go to an alpha meeting. I would have gone to because I am also an alpha but I waited here for you guys." said becca back happily" Becca said to me as we walked up the stairs of the packhouse. Becca stopped and turned around and said" the omegas already took your things to your room.

Your room is on the alpha hall. The pack members that came with you are in the same hall." I looked at becca and said "thanks" and went into my room. "Something is not right about this pack, "I think to myself. What kind of alpha leaves his pack and his mate with so few wolves watching the broader? "I better keep my eyes, ears, and nose open," I think to my self as I go sit on the bed.

I am the next Moon Goddessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें