This has to be done

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I stand up and look at all my friends. " You guys I am sorry for causing you to worry about me," I say as I look everyone in their eyes. " As your alpha, I have to do better with-," I say as Fear cuts me off saying " Truth you don't have to apologize to any of us. If it was any one of us we would have killed Skylar". I look at Fear nod slowly knowing that what he said is true. All the members of my pack that came to the Black Moon with me hated Skylar and it only got worst once they found out that Skylar was my ex-mate. I sigh as I stretch saying " I guess it time to fix this mess I caused". Everyone stands up knowing that means it's time for me to see Skylar. " Do you think it's a good idea to see him right now," said Jake as he wrapped his arm around Summer. I look at Jake causing him to freeze.

" To tell you the truth Jake I don't know when the right time will be. So it's just better to do it now and not have to worry about it later" I say as I turn and look at Red. " Red do you know where Skylar is". Red looks at me and nod as he begins to walk out the living room and towards the alphas hall. I followed behind Red silently. Red was not much of a talker and he is the oldest (25) out of the main members of the pack. We arrived at Becca and Skylar's room door. Red looked at me saying " Aphla please be careful" then he walks away. I watch Red leave as I take a deep breath and knock on the door.  

It was silent for a few moments then the door nob turned as the door open up. " Yes, what do you ne-" Becca begins to say but stops as soon as she realizes who I was knocking at her and her mate's room door. Becca steps out of her room and quickly closes the door behind her. " I don't think you should be here right now," Becca says as she looks at the wall behind me. " I know it might not be a good time but I have to speak with Skylar so I can apologize," I say as I look at Becca. " Well he doesn't want to see you" Becca snaps at me as she looks me dead in my eyes as if she was challenging my authority as a female alpha. Prosperine instantly takes over before I can fully register what's going on " I wasn't asking you little girl" Prosperine says as I take a threatening step towards Becca. Becca takes a step back but can not because her back was against the door. " I'm sorry I wasn't trying to challenge you it just both me and my wolf are just worried right now," Becca says as she slightly lowers her head as a sign of respect. I sigh as Prosperine gives me back control.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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