Hybrid Family

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I can't believe it has been 3 years since I have left my pack and came to my new family. I don't look at them as a pack we call each other family. I went from an omega with alpha blood to the alpha of the strongest family in the world. We know as the Hybrid Family. We take in the rejected, the ones that are banished and the ones that ran away from a bad past. We also have had a few female rogers leave their children because they wanted their children to grow up in a real family. We have 560 members and that number is growing every day.

"Truth we have a pack on the phone that said the are being attacked by rogues and hunters on the daily base," said Brave through the mind link. " Okay, tell them we will be there tomorrow and tell the usual members who trave to help packs out to get ready," I said back. "Okay, truth, and the pack is The Black Moon Pack," said Brave.

"Okay, thank you Brave." I mind linked back. "The Black Moon Pack I never heard of that pack before," I think to myself as I begin to walk upstairs to my room on the top floor of the house. I think the Black moon pack is made up of 2 packs that came together when their alphas married each other. I wonder who is the alpha of the black moon pack if there are two packs in one I think as I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

I woke up the next morning walked to my window and seen everyone already in their cars waiting for me. So I got dressed and headed out. It took about four hours to get to the black moon pack. The packhouse was huge but not as big as ours. As we walked to the front door and knocked a woman in a too-small shirt and to tight high waisted shorts opened the door. "Hey, you must be the Hybrid Family. My names are Rebecca but you can call me Becca" said Becca with a smile on her face. "Hey Becca my name is Truth and my members can tell you their names after training so round up your pack and tell them to meet us at the training field," I said smiling. 

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