A What

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The next day I woke up before the sun. I walked out of the cave to see the birds on the ground searching for worms. " I guess I am going to find me a new place to sleep tonight the cave floor is rough," I think to myself. I begin to walk and walk. I walked for about two hours. Passing trees and bushes, lakes, and streams. " I guess I am going to take a break here". I sat under a tree that was by a lake. I close my eyes. I hear a snap and jumped up to see two vampires, a wolf, and two animal shifters." What are you doing on this land" they all asked me at once? I look at them and give them a wolf grin. I shifted right in front of their eyes." What am I doing here i " I begin saying out loud

"Hmm let me think....minding my business you should try it," I say with a new boost of confidence. One of the vampires that had bright white hair and green eyes said:" I like her let's keep her and our pack/clan on 5 will become a pack/clan of 6".

"Ok babe," said the animal shifter with purple hair, bright white eyes, and tan. "What did you just say baby," I asked confused. "Yes, I did"By the way my name is Jake. This is my mate," said Jake pointing at summer. "The animal shifter with red hair and eyes that are as dark as night is Red. Then he pointed to a dark skin guy with mint color hair and green eyes and said."The wolf name is Night". Then he pointed at the vampire and said "this is Fear"finished jake. Fear was pale with black hair and one black and one gray color eye.

"Wait, What is your name really fear?" I ask looking at fear if he was joking or something."Yes, do you have a problem with that!!" asked fear as his eyes turned black as night. "Nope not at all," I said quickly, not wanting to fight fear. "Anyways," said Jake. "you can join if you want it only us and since you smell really powerful you can be our alpha".

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