One Question At A Time

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I slowly open my eyes and groaned as I quickly close my eyes again. "Are the lights too bright?" said a male voice. I slowly nod my head yes as I hear footsteps leave from the right side of my bed. Then there was a moment of silence then a click and the footsteps return. "You may open your eyes now," said the male voice. I slowly open my eyes again and slightly sit up as I looked around. I was in what looked like a hospital room. I continue to look around until my eye came to a man standing by my bed. The man was short and had green eyes and gray hair sticking up in all directions on his head. He was wearing a white button-down coat and had a stethoscope around his neck. He put the stethoscope in his ears and pressed the cold metal against my chest. He listens for about five to ten seconds then he put the stethoscope on the table that was near the bed. "How are you feeling right now?" said the man as he took the chair from the table and placed it by the bed and took a seat.

I looked the man up and down as I replied to the man "I am feeling fine but who are you and what happened and where am I?" The man started laughing and said, "one question at a time?" "Frist things first my name is Ken, and you are in the infirmary below the black moon packhouse. Secondly, I don't know exactly what happen to you I just know that you were shot with enough tranquilizer that it would kill four full grown male wolves. The fact that you are speaking just blows my mind." "Who shot me," I asked as I watched the man as he reached down and picked up a clipboard off the table. "I was told that it was Summer," the doctor said as he walked out the room as Summer walked in. "Truth I am so sorry I shot you, but you had lost control of yourself. I saw you like that before" Summer said as she slowly approached my bed. I looked at Summer and shook my head no saying "there is no need for you to apologize for doing the right thing. If it was not for you, I would have killed Skylar. No matter what he did killing him is not the right thing to do". I got out of the bed and stretched and walked towards summer and pulled her into a hug. Summer hugs me back then pulled away "I'm glad you are back to your old self. We can't have you going crazy around here, you're the only one stopping everyone from killing each other.

I laughed and looked at Summer "yea and if I would have killed that idiot it would have been really bad" I said as I continue to laugh for a few seconds more. "Where is Skylar any way," I asked Summer as I walked out the infirmary and down the stairs. As soon as I reached the last step my friends instantly hit me with questions. What Happened? What form was that? Have you lost your mind!? Are you supposed to be walking? I instantly bust out laughing as I clear my thought and say, "How about you guys tell me what I want to know first, and then I'll answer all the questions you guys want." My friends instantly begin to quiet down but I could tell they were still full of questions and worried about me.

"First things first can someone tell me what happen? I only remember bits and pieces. "I asked as I sat on the couch. Summer instantly stood up "Oh I can tell you that". " Well Skylar wanted to fight you but I tried to get Skylar to fight me but he decided if he was going to fight you then he would fight Fear but of course you wasn't going to let that happen so you agreed to fight Skylar. Before your and Skylar could fight Skylar started talking about you being an orphan and that's when it happens. You begin to change, and you lost control and almost killed Skylar. I keep trying to call you, but your Demon was in control of I ran into the packhouse and grabbed the emergency tranquilizer and shot you". I looked at Summer "how did I change" was the only question I could ask. Bianca instantly stood up as summer sat down. "I can answer that question. You change into your Demon form, but you did not look like that average demon. Your horns were jet black with gold tips. Your wings were jet black and so was your tail, but the tip of your tail was in a heart shape and it was rose gold. Your eyes were also rose gold" said Bianca as she sat down. "How do you know what I look like you were supposed to be on the other group? "I asked as I looked at Bianca confused. Bianca laughed as she said, "I saw summer ran in the pack house and come back out with a gun, so I followed her." I looked at Bianca and laughed and rolled my eyes while saying "basically you thought you were going to get to fight me again." Bianca looked at me and nodded "basically, I just didn't know you lost control until after I say your eyes. You had the eyes of a monster who wanted blood."

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