Fears New Mate

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After I finished drinking from Fear's wrist. Fear looked at me and said " You should never go more than 3 days without drinking blood or you will be blood lusted and that's bad. You will be unable to become normal again and only your mate will be able to calm you down". "Ok," I said to Fear and look at the other guys. "I am sorry I scared you guys," I said looking each of them in the eye. Everyone nods their head and walk towards me and hug me. I stood there shocked.

You looked so cool and scary at the same time in your vampire form. Your hair is red and your eyes and you already know about the fangs. Now let's go to our packhouse and get some sleep. Its been a long day. As we walked back to their packhouse Fear stopped and ran off into the other direction. We all stopped shocked and looked at each other for about 8 minutes then we ran off after him after losing sight of Fear we saw him and someone else.

I sniffed it a girl demon. Demons have a very strange smell. It smells like fire. I can't make out what she looks like. The only thing on my mind was dang the moon goddess works fast. As soon as we walked over to Fear he hissed. We all stopped. "Shut up fear" we all laugh and said at the same time.

"Sorry," Fear said blushing. Fear steps away and we all gasp. Fears mate was beautiful. "This is Brave," fear said smiling. Brave looked up and we gasped. Brave had angel blonde hair that stopped at her shoulders and brown undertone baby blue eyes. She looked at the complete opposite of fear who had that bad boy look. Brave looks so pure. I would have never thought in a million years that a demon would look pure I think to myself. "Brave would you like to join our pack," I asked."yes," Brave said. I looked at fear and he had the biggest grin on his face. 

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