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5 months later:

"I can't believe this, is this really happening right now?"

"Hell yea girl! Yo ass fin to get hitched!" Angie said dancing around in her silk robe. Yes it was true today was the day I get married to Hayden. And let me tell you these last 5 months have been hell. Between Momma J and Jayden I have been going crazy. Momma J has been over to the house any chance she gets to steal my kids away and Jayden has been driving me crazy with this new project. I thought I wouldn't even make it to my own wedding day.

"Okay Angie I need you to go get Ciara and drag her away from Summer and tell her to come get ready." When she left Momma J walked in. "Okay girly you have an hour to get ready," she said clasping her hands together. She was already dressed in a long champagne colored silk dress. Ciara came in and we both started to get ready.

By the time we were done we had only ten minutes left to spare. Ciara was now fully dressed in a light blue dress that was made in a princess style, it had diamond sparkles all over it topped with a diamond studded crown. I on the other hand was wearing a long mermaid style dress that was cut with a sweetheart neckline and had diamond studs that matched Ciara's dress. Both of our hair was put up in curls with just a little hanging down.

"You ready for this," I asked Ciara.

"Depends are you sure you want to marry Hayden?"

"Yes I am sure."

"Good because if you would be said no I would've been mad I had to wear a dress for nothing."

"I'm starting to think you are a little too spoiled," I said with a raised eye brow. "Maybe just a tad," she said smiling wide at me. "I want you to know I am very glad that you are here with me and no matter what happens tonight or five years from now I want you to know I will always be here for you. I want you to know I will always protect you from whoever I have to and that includes Hayden."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because we are sisters and we have to stick together against no matter who it is. I don't ever want you to think you can't come and talk to me when something is wrong even if it is against Hayden." She nods and just before I am about to step out she grabs my hand. "Annalisa thank you for taking care of me," a tear escapes her eye and it breaks my heart. This is the first time Ciara has ever really gotten emotional; she usually pushes her emotions away like I do. I bend down to her and wipe her tear away, "Baby girl I will always take care of you even when you are old and grey. I know we have been through a lot and we will probably go through a lot more but I promise you I will always take care of you but you have to promise me you will take care of me too."

"I promise," she says just above a whisper. I hold up my pinky to seal the deal and she locks hers with mine. I kiss her on the cheek and stand back up ready to marry the man of my dreams.

As we walk out I am quickly rushed to the double doors to await my turn to go out. Everyone has gone out and now I am starting to get nervous. My hands are shaking and I can literally feel the sweat burning into my make-up. "Calm down baby girl," Momma J says locking hands with me. "Don't think that is possible."

"Just relax you look absolutely gorgeous. When Hayden sees you he is going freak."

"Why am I so nervous? I thought I would be calm right now, I mean I did say yes to this."

"Love will never ease your nervous sweetie. That is why love is so great because it is always so nerve wrecking; whenever you think you have a handle on it, it always does something to surprise you and trust me when I say this Hayden will always keep you on your toes."

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