Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Not again not again, I thought as I ran into the bathroom to empty my guts. I thought that this was over but here I was again bent over the toilet. It has been like this for the past week and honestly this was really irking me. When everything was over I just sat on the floor catching my breath making sure everything was back to normal. I sat there for ten minutes before Hayden walked in with a serious look on his face. I already knew what he was going to say because he has been saying it since it returned. "You are going to the doctor today and this time there will be no arguing. Something is wrong and I be damn if something happens to you while I'm here." I just nodded since I was kind of worried too. He then came and picked me up bridal style and took me back to the bed where I was soon back to sleep.

As I woke up I felt a heavy weight on top of me but this was definitely not Hayden's arm. As I looked closer I realized it was Ciara sprawled out on top of me. How the hell did she get in here? I slowly eased her off of me and went into the bathroom to get myself together.

Since today was the day of the charity ball I had to make sure everything was together so I had to go into the restaurant early today. I just got dressed in some black leggings and a long t-shirt that covered my stomach and black uggs. I woke up Ciara and told her to get ready for breakfast. When I went downstairs I was surprised to see Hayden cooking breakfast. "Well, something must be wrong for you to be cooking," I said sitting down and watching him. "Whatever I never said I didn't know how to cook just don't like to."

"Well now that I know you can cook you best believe your ass will be cooking more often."

"Nah this a onetime thing," he said shaking his head. Ciara soon came into the kitchen and looked from Hayden to me. "Um Anna why is Hayden cooking?"

"Don't worry lady bug he can cook."

"How do you know," she asked looking confused. "You don't think I can cook lil bit?"

"Not really." He looked hurt and then just nodded, "You just wait until you taste these pancakes, you gonna fall in love," he said placing the plates in front us all happy and shit. Ciara hesitated at first but then dug in. We watched her and when she didn't spit it out we ate too. I had to admit Hayden could cook. "I made an appointment for ten today and then I will take you to the restaurant." I nodded and just kept eating. "Can I come too?"

"Why you wanna come lady bug?"

"I wanna see the baby too, I haven't had a chance." Now that I think about it, she was right. Every time I went she was never there. "Okay you can come but you are gonna have to spend the day with Hayden afterwards."


After we got through eating it was 9:30 when we left and now we were rushing to get to the clinic in time. When we got there we had five minutes to spare which was good for us. Once we were inside Hayden checked us in while me and Ciara sat down. It took a good twenty minutes before I was seen. Again I had to change into that damn paper robe thingy. "So what seems to be the problem Ms. Johnson," my doctor said walking into the room. "Well I have been throwing up badly again even though I did everything I was supposed to and now I'm worried something may be wrong."

"Well, let's take a blood sample and make sure everything is okay and then we will come back and look at the baby." He then left out leaving us to our own thoughts. "You okay," Hayden asked after a while of silence. "Just hope everything is okay with our baby," I said hopeless. Soon the doctor came back and lifted up my dress. "And there is your lovely baby." Ciara stood up in awe as she looked at the baby. "Anna there is really someone in you," she said amazed. I laughed as she came to reality.

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