Chapter Sixteen

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"Hayden I can carry the box," I said as he took the box away from me and walked in the house. We were officially moving in today and he has been acting like I can't do anything, it was driving me crazy. "Ciara what are you doing?"

"Trying to be strong like Hayden," she said trying to carry a box twice her size and she was struggling. "Girl give me that box little girl," I said taking it from her. "But I want to be strong like Hayden," she said pouting. "Well, how about you carry this bag to your room lil bit but you gotta be careful cause its heavy," Hayden said pretending the bag was too heavy for him. "I can do it," she said taking the bag and running in the house. "You know you spoil her."

"You just mad cause I don't spoil you like that."

"Keep playing, you and your little friend gonna be quite lonely," I said taking the box inside. When I stepped inside the house looked about empty. "What happened to your stuff?"

"I thought since you will be living here now maybe you would like to decorate it the way you want."

"Hayden I told you I didn't want to come here and start controlling you. This is your house."

"This is our house I just pay the bills and I want you to decorate it the way you want. Whatever you want just ask and I will get it for you or I will just give you the money."

"Hayden you don't have to do that, I was fine with the things you had," I said trying to believe the words I spoke. "So you was okay sleeping in the same bed I fucked other girls in?"

"Whatever," was all I could say and just walked upstairs. I was tired as hell from moving. We had been up since six this morning cause Ciara ran in jumping up and down yelling moving day. I swear she stashing candy somewhere. I put the box down I was carrying and sat down on the bed. Hayden soon walked in carrying two boxes like he was the man of the world. "You okay," he asked sitting the boxes down. "Yea I'm just really tired for some reason."

"I don't know why you ain't been doing nothing."

"Maybe cause you won't let me but I still feel exhausted."

"How about you take a nap while me and lil bit try to put some this stuff up. By the time you wake up I will have all your clothes put up so you won't have to look for it." I nodded my head laying down. Soon as my head hit the pillow I instantly fell asleep.

When I woke up I felt brand new. I looked at the clock and it said four, damn I been sleep three hours. I got up and looked around and all the boxes were gone. I guess Hayden kept his words and put up the stuff. I went to the closet and found one of Hayden's t-shirts and took off the clothes I had on and put it on. For some reason I just felt fat for my clothes. I went downstairs to look for something to eat cause I was starving. When I got downstairs the smell of food hit my nose. "Well look who's up," Hayden said walking out of the kitchen.

"Is that food I smell?"

"Yea momma J came over and cooked her famous fried chicken with macaroni and cheese, corn bread, collard greens, and cheese cake." My mouth was watering just at the thought of tasting the food. I bypassed him going straight for the kitchen grabbing a plate and piling the food on. "She wanted to talk to you about something along with my sister."

"About what," I asked stuffing my face with macaroni. Damn this was good. "I don't know but since you were knocked out she said she will stop by tomorrow." I nodded and continued to stuff my face. It was until he begin walking that I noticed Hayden was still in the kitchen. "What?"

"You sure you okay?"

"I'm fine just hungry, I haven't eaten all day." Just as I was about to say something else I felt the need to rush to the toilet. Hayden held my hair up for me while I puked my guts out. "You need to go see a doctor."

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