Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Miss me?"

"What are you doing here if finds out you were here he will kill you," I said trying to put distance between us if possible. "Oh I want him to know I was here," he stepped closer smiling like he knew something I didn't. I stepped back some more and he did the same until he caught me off guard and grabbed me by arm pulling me closer. "I'm getting tired of you running from me Annalisa. First, you took off with my child and now you pregnant with some other nigga baby. I told you from day one you were mine and that was nonnegotiable."

"I ran because you raped and beat me, you claimed to love me but you treated me like shit and you expect me to run to you like everything is okay. Hayden knows how to treat me unlike you doesn't expect me to just be his damn toy." His grip on my arm tightened making me whimper in pain. He had always been strong and that was one of the reasons I could never escape when he was beating me or rapping me. His other hand gripped my throat cutting off my air. All I could think about was my baby. I tried scratching at his arms but that just amused him. "I see you still a fighter." He let go of my throat and back hand me to the face making me fall to the ground. He grabbed me by my hair making me look at him, "Soon you will learn no matter how much you run I will always find you."

"Fuck you." He punched me again and then began to drag me upstairs. I made sure to stay on my back so my baby wasn't hurt. He made his way to our bedroom which just raised all kinds of flags. He threw me on the bed and took out some handcuffs, he handcuffed my hands to the bed. He then ripped the shirt off of my body and then my pants too. That left me in my bra and panties and he just stood there licking his lips.

"Man I have missed that body." He ran his fingers down my body making me shiver from his touch. I hated him touching me, it just brought back old times and it made me want to cry. I wondered where Hayden was I just wish he would hurry up and come home before something happened.

"Don't worry we have all the time in the world, your precious boyfriend won't be home anytime soon. I got people watching him like a hawk."

"Yea people like my brother."

"To be honest I didn't want to take him in but then he told me he had the inside connection into Hayden's set up. What can I say he was very determined to help me out."

"You know he doesn't know what will happen after you are done with him, why would you let him get himself into this?"

"Hey if you are going to play with the big boys then you better know who the fuck you playing with. Number one rule of the game always know who you are doing business with all the way down to who their damn momma is. It is not my fault yo dumb ass brother don't know what the fuck he doing."

"Then you should have told him, he looked up to you when we were together you would think you would have some kind of emotion towards him. He thought of you like family."

"Fuck family! All my family dead so he can think what the fuck he wants but we are not family. He is a piece in my damn game and he will stay alive until the job is done and then he will die like all the others." He was so cold like no one mattered and it was sad really. He didn't have anyone since his family was killed and now he was cold hearted. I thought at one point I could change him but that soon changed and I gave up. I guess that was my problem I always thought I could change people when clearly they didn't want to change.

"All you need to know is that soon you will be back where you belong, with me and this time you won't get away."

"You do know Hayden will never let you get away with this? He will hunt you down until he finds you and then he will kill you." I could tell he was getting mad but I didn't give a fuck he needed to know I would never love him anymore. I wanted Hayden.

"So tell me you left one kingpin to be with another kingpin, how the hell did that happen? Last time I checked you couldn't stand this life style but yet here you are," he asked sitting down on the bed next to me.

"Why are you even coming after me Kyle you didn't even want me when you had me. You beat me every day and even raped me. You never gave a damn about me and now here you are acting like we had something fucking special."

"You weren't saying that shit when you let me take your virginity." I looked up at him in shock that he would even mention that. He knew how touchy I was on that subject and here he was throwing it in my face.

"You were a different person then, you actually cared about me and who you hurt. But you changed and turned into someone I don't even know. I would never make that mistake again trust me." I was serious about what I said, he was the first person I trusted and he turned out to be a complete ass. He didn't care about anyone but himself and that was the problem. I thought he loved me and in the end I saw just how wrong I was. I guess that was why I was so hesitant to accept Hayden when he said he loved me. Deep down I knew Kyle was right I went from kingpin to another and I was scared as hell he would hurt me like Kyle did.

"Well none of that matters now since this will all end soon," he said taking my phone and taking a few pictures of me and then typing something. "What are you doing with my phone?"

"Sending your little boyfriend a present."

"You need help."

"Tell me something I don't know," he said kissing my forehead and then left like nothing happened. I mentally sighed relieved he hadn't killed me but now I was stuck being tied to this bed.

One hour later:

"Anna! Anna!" I woke up to my name being called and tried to get up to go see who it was but couldn't. I tried again but couldn't and then it hit me I was handcuffed. "Anna!"

"In here!"

Soon Hayden came rushing looking like he had been through hell. "You okay?"

"Yea, can you just uncuff me my arms hurting and I really have to pee." He nodded and then took out a key taking the handcuffs off of me. It took a while for me to be able to put my arms down but it hurt like hell. "Did he hurt you?"

"Besides dragging me up here no."

"Aye yo boss we got the place set up," a guy said coming into the room. "Aight tell the guys there will be a meeting tomorrow I want to know how the fuck that motherfucker got into my damn house!" the guy nodded and then left.

"What did he mean by the place is ready?"

"I had cameras added all around the property. I will not let anything like that happen again."

"Hayden I'm fine, I just want to put this pass me," I said getting up and walking into the bathroom to finally pee. When I came out Hayden was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. "Hey you want something to eat?"

"What if he would have done something to you? What if he would have done something to our baby, I wouldn't be able to live myself. I told you I would be able to protect you and I couldn't even keep that fucking bastard away from you." I sighed and sat down next to him. "Look Hayden this not your fault, Kyle would've came after me whether you were there or not. I need you to keep together because if you don't then I won't be to." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. "I promise you I will never let anything like that happen again." I smiled and pulled his face close to mine to kiss. I loved him and there was no doubt that he loved me too. 

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