Chapter Nine

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Hayden POV

"Tell me why I should trust you with my money," I asked the investor and trader for a distributor in Brazil. Honestly making a deal with this company would help me improve not only my profits but also my enterprise. I'm not just a drug lord but I also own multiple clubs along with high end restaurants. I figured out a long time ago I couldn't just be a drug lord but I also had to be smart and invest my money. "You need our product and we need the exposure," he said shrugging.

"So what happens when you get the exposure you want? You just gonna break our agreement for something better? I don't like doing business with people I can't trust," I said leaning forward in my chair. I had to meet this guy in a restaurant, I guess he was scared of meeting me privately. I really didn't mind meeting in public but one thing he should know is I never go anywhere without back up. "You can trust me man, all I want is exposure. That doesn't mean I will break our agreement that's if we have a deal." I looked at him and then signaled for one of my guys to bring me the case.

"5oK now for 50 kilos of everything, if it sells good then I will give you 250K to continue business. If this only works if out well and I get the profits I want and I feel I can trust you completely then the amount will double along with the product." He shook his head and signed the papers and I handed over the case. He stood up and I followed, "Good doing business with you," he said shaking my hand as I took the product from him. I nodded and watched as he left. Once he was completely gone I turned towards Nick and told him to follow the guy. I wanted to know who he talked to and where he went.

When I got back to the trap my right hand man, Reese was waiting for me in my office. "How the meeting go," he asked smoking a blunt. "Fine, but I don't trust the guy," I said sitting down. "I told you he didn't seem legit when you made the meet."

"I had to see for myself."

"Well, now you do. What you gonna do about it?"

"I sent Nick to case him out, something in me tell me he dealing with that gang that keep invading our territory."

"He take the money?"

"What nigga you know that wouldn't take the money," I asked with a smirk. "What about the product he gave you? I know we ain't gonna use that shit?"

"Nah I sent it to the lab to be tested. Jerry said he would call once he knew anything."

"So the tracker working?" I nodded. You never take money from somebody you playing especially one you playing. I don't like to be played and he was about to learn just how much. "Here I want you to watch his every move," I said handing him the tracker phone. "If he make a move you don't like and you think I need to know about, tell me." he nodded and left. I sat back and sighed to myself, I could feel something was gonna go down I just didn't know when.

I sat back and decided to call Anna to see what she was doing, I knew she was at work but this is the time she was on break.

A: Hello?

H: Hey baby girl wat you doing?

A: Working as always

H: What you doing after you get off?

A: Well, since Ciara is making new friends which means she is at a sleepover; I guess that means I'm going to grab some takeout and sit in bed and catch up on some shows.

H: Nah I'm pick you up and you get whatever you want to eat and then I'm taking you to my place.

A: Hayden I don't have clothes for that and plus are we even there yet?

H: Baby girl I been sleeping at yo place so what's the difference in your place and mine?

A: Point made but I still don't have any clothes.

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