Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Since Hayden found out somebody to took my little girl he has been on edge. He has been making the twins watch over me and Ciara and let me tell you they are a damn hand full. I never knew how childish they were until now. They really make me want a girl; girls are easy. Since Hayden left to go meet his PI guy I decided I would do a little cleaning, not that I can do much since I'm now five months. I put on a pair of black PINK sweats and matching tank top. I put my hair up in high ponytail and went to see what Ciara was doing. I knew she wasn't in her room since she has been under Lucas and Levi the whole time they have been here. I thought she couldn't stand them but silly me she loves them. They are like big brothers to her and she loves it.

"What are you three doing," I asked walking in the kitchen to see them looking around for something. "Ya'll ain't got no food," Levi asked turning around. "I swear you are always hungry."

"Imma a man of course Imma be fucking hungry!"

"Watch yo damn mouth around my sister," I said hitting him upside the head. "Ow damn you just cussed!"

"Did I ask you that?! Now move so I can cook something."

"That ain't right man, how come you can cuss but I can't," he asked pouting. "Because my boyfriend is your boss and if I tell him you are not doing what I said he will hurt you."

"That's fucked!" I gave him a look and he threw his hand up surrendering. "What do you want to eat lady bug?"

"I want chili with grilled cheese!" I nodded and then began to take out the ingredients I needed. I put the stuff on the stove and let it start boiling. "Ciara get the cheese and bread and lay it out." She nodded and then ran to get the stuff. Just as I was checking the food someone rang the doorbell. I went to the door to open it and it was Angie. "What you doing here," I asked stepping aside for her to come in. "I just wanted to come see my best friend is that a crime?"

"Girl whatever, what you been up to?"

"Nothing much just doing me."

"Does that explain that expensive ass necklace you sporting or that Beamer in my driveway?"

"I can't help it if I put down so good they want to buy me something."

"You know that's called a prostitute right," I asked smirking. "Girl shut up I ain't say nothing when Hayden moved yo ass into this big ass house or when yo ass started wearing all that expensive shut either. I'm just doing the same thing you doing," she said flipping hair.

"Girl trust me don't do what I do, please use a damn condom," I said rubbing my stomach. She burst out laughing and that's when Levi and Lucas walked in the living room. "Aye the chili look like it's done," Levi said looking at me and then to Angie. He was staring her down but she didn't seem to notice since she was too busy texting. Now one thing that was different about the twins was Levi was the more serious one and quiet one, you would never know how he was feeling because he would never show it. Lucas on the other hand was just a big damn kid that never held anything back and made a joke about anything, but if you pissed him off you were dead.

"You made chili I want some," Angie said going into the kitchen with Lucas behind her. I walked up to Levi, who seemed like he was in deep thought, "You okay?"

"Yea just lot on my mind."

"Well, you know if you ever need to talk about anything, I'm here." He nodded and then went into the kitchen. I swear I had a house full of kids. After everything was ready we dug in and let me tell you the twins never let up. The whole time they threw food at each other. I made them clean up the whole kitchen cause I was not cleaning up after their shit.

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