Chapter Ten

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! It was only six in the morning and I was being woken up to an alarm going off in my damn ear. When I finally turned it off I looked over to see Hayden wasn't even in bed. Where the hell could he be? Instead of trying to find out I just went to back to bed.

So it was now ten in the morning and Hayden is still nowhere to be found. I called his name and everything and I get nothing. I rolled out of bed and went to take a shower. I rinsed myself in the vanilla scent foam shower gel. After twenty minutes I got out smelling vanilla as it filled the room. I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my teeth. I decided to go ahead and straighten my hair since I was in the mood. I really wanted to do something different to my hair but didn't know what exactly. Once I was done I came out the bathroom and started looking through the bags of clothes to find something to wear. I finally decided to wear something simple dark blue ripped jeans with a gold crop top that says diva and my timbs. Just as I was about to strip I heard someone clear their throats causing me to turn around. It was Hayden.

"And where have you been," I asked with my hands on my hips. "Lil bit called while you were sleep so I went to get her."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because I know how tired you were so I decided to handle it myself," he said shrugging and sitting on the bed while taking off his shirt. "Besides we had fun together, I took her to watch the sun rise. After that she was knocked out sleep and now she is in her room sleeping."

"She has a room?"

"Yea she does, is that a problem." I really didn't know if it was a problem or not I mean I have been the only person that took care of Ciara and now I had to share her. I just shook my head and gathered my things to go change. This whole trusting thing was going to be harder than I thought.

When I came out Hayden was knocked out in bed sleeping like a baby. I shook my head and left to find Ciara. I needed to make sure everything was okay with her. When I found the room she was in it was painted gold and white. It was all white with gold writings on the wall with words like confident, smart, gorgeous, beautiful, and it even had her name on it. I was stunned but I couldn't figure out how he knew to do this. Ciara was now watching TV in her king sized bed which surrounded her. "Hayden told me you were sleep," I said joining her in bed and pulling her into my lap. "I was but I woke up," she said shrugging. "Okay then why did you want to leave the sleepover early I thought you liked it. I mean you begged me to let you go."

"I just wanted to come home," she said playing with her fingers. I knew she wasn't telling me the truth. "You know you can tell me anything Cece," I said lifting her chin up to look me in the eyes.

"I miss Rico. You told me that we would stick together and the next thing I know he is gone. He said he would never leave me like mom did and now he's gone," she cried. My heart instantly broke. When she asked where he went I just told her that he didn't want to stay with us anymore. I knew she still had questions but I couldn't tell her that Rico chose a gang over his family. I had to do something.

"How about this, I will call Rico and tell him how much you miss him. That way you two can spend some time together and you will see he did not leave you," I said wiping her tears away. I hated to see her cry it just made me feel like I was failing to give her a good life. I knew it wouldn't be easy when I decided to take the role after my mom left but I also knew I was the only option.

"Really!" she said smiling hard. "Yes really. Now get dressed Imma go make us some breakfast."

"Can we have my favorite?"

"Anything you want," I said walking out the room and going to the kitchen. While I was making Ciara's chocolate chip pancakes Hayden walked in rubbing his eyes. He was still half naked but hey I wasn't complaining. "What you cooking," he asked sitting at the counter. "Ciara's favorite chocolate chip pancakes."

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