Chapter Twenty

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So Hayden just dropped me off at the restaurant and I literally ran in. No one was here except some of the waitresses coming in for their shifts and the cooks. "Boss man finally let your ass out to play," Angie said walking up to me. Yea I hired her to be my assistant to everything I couldn't do while I was on bed rest. "Yea for two hours but it's a start."

"So you feeling better," she asked as she followed me to my office. "So far I can finally eat without getting sick and plus Hayden watches everything I eat now. I haven't had fast food in almost a month."

"Damn girl you want me to sneak you some food while you here, just say the word and I got you," she said looking around like someone was watching us. "Girl shut up and fill me in," I said sitting down.

"Okay so the clients seem to love the cooking here are the surveys and comments. Also I have been looking over our financial budget and it seems we have enough to finish upgrading the kitchen the way the chefs would like. However, we are having a problem with some of the waitresses coming in late and fooling around causing us to lose customers. You got some rude ass people working for you and you need nip this shit in the bud."

"You know who exactly?"

"Yep," she said handing me the names along with evidence. I had to relax cause I was pissed, I leave for short minute and they think they can do what they like. I nodded my head, "Anything else."

"Yea we are booked to have a charity event this weekend and it has to be perfect. Momma J wants to run the menu by you and the DJ and event planner want to talk to you. This is our first major event since we open so you know we have to be on it."

"Alright I need to handle these rude bitches first so set up a meeting with the event planner and DJ and then tell Momma J she can stop by the house to talk about the menu or I will just come back in if she need me taste anything." She nodded and left. I called in those causing me money and told them to meet me in my office. They walked in as I was going over the financial reports which was a lot. I looked at the clock and Hayden would be here in almost an hour. "You wanted to see us," a girl said sitting down in one of my chairs. Right away I didn't like her attitude.

"First, off get up and don't sit down on any of my shit unless I tell you to. Second, your rudeness and attitudes are causing problems and making me lose money, you need to fix it." I looked at the girl and she was still sitting down like I didn't tell her ass to get up.

"Do you have a hearing problem or something or are you just dumb ass fuck?"

"Nah I heard yo fat ass," she said smirking. I looked at the other two and they looked scared; obviously she was the ring leader and they were just followers. "Obviously you have lost your damn mind when you walked through the door so Imma need you to walk back out before you won't be able to walk again."

"Bitch the only reason Hayden with you is because he didn't want to leave his child. He don't want you bitch, you need to learn your fucking place," she said getting up and leaning across my desk like I was supposed to be scared. "No bitch you need to learn your mother fucking place," I said getting up, "I don't know who the fuck you think I am or who you thought I was taking too but you got the wrong one. So you can either back yo lack nappy head ass up off my desk or I can do it for you."

"Bitch you ain't gone do shit but eat." I laughed at her joke and then punched the shit out of her causing her to fall back to the floor hitting her head on the chair on the way. I called security and told them to get this nappy headed bitch off my floor. Once she was gone I looked at the remaining two, "It's gonna go like this you can suffer the same fate as your little leader and you can be on your way or you can get your shit together and keep your job. I don't have time for bullshit so if that's what you on you can bounce," I said sitting down looking at them. They looked at each other, "We want to keep our job," they said slightly scared. "Good now if I hear you two are still causing problems we will have a problem. You are officially on probation which means reduced pay and hours. We don't reward people who don't want to do shit. You are dismissed."

Once that shit was handled I got a text form Angie telling me my meeting was waiting for me in the conference room. When I walked in it was a tall white guy in a suit and a black guy in jeans and polo with a leather jacket. I sat down and they stared at me. "Wait you the person we supposed to be meeting with," the white guy said instantly getting on my bad side.

"Yes I am, is there a problem?"

"I thought this restaurant was owned by Hayden Marks? I thought I was doing business with him," he said like he thought I was intimidated.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I am the manager and co-owner which means I run this place. Yes you are correct Mr. Marks does officially own this place but I run it now if you would like to call him and ask him then be my guess but if you are done getting on my nerves we can get started."

"You must be the girlfriend," he said smirking. "I am indeed the one and only is that a problem."

"How about this have your boyfriend call me when he is done letting you play boss," he said getting his things together. One thing after another. I looked down at the name Angie gave me and looked back up, "Look Mr. Andrews I don't know what you have heard or what you think but I have already had my fair share of bullshit today and honestly I don't need you to add on. I maybe Mr. Marks' girlfriend but I am also the sole reason this place runs the way it does. I am also the only person who makes the decisions regarding this restaurant. Now I can happily put you in contact with my boyfriend but I must warn you not only will you lose the best pay day you could ever wish for but you will also lose the respect of Mr. Marks because as I have just told you I run this. So you can either sit your ass back down in the chair and we can do business or I can find somebody who will gladly do your job and maybe even better," I said looking at him daring him to say anything else. He slowly sat down and looked as if he was ready to get down to business, about damn time.

Hayden POV

When I dropped off Anna I was nervous but I knew she was going crazy staying in that house. She promised she would take it easy but I didn't like her taking the risk. I got in the office and began looking over my money. It was a big drop from where my houses had been hit but that was fin to be over.

"Hey boss we got something," Lucas and Levi said walking in. "What you got?"

"Alright it looks like whole boy is meeting with somebody in our crew who telling them about us."

"You know who?"

"Oh yea and so do you," Lucas said throwing his picture down on the table. "I knew that boy was up to no good but now we know for sure. He only joined to get at you and take you down." I looked at the picture only getting madder and madder.

"What else you got," I asked trying to control my temper. "Yea turns Mr. Butcher is keeping his mom and two daughters in a safe house in uptown. We got the address to that but we found something way better."


"We also found the safe house he putting up for ole boy for snitching on us. Turns out he has a party up there every weekend so we were thinking of sneaking in seeing what we could find out."

"I want him watched," I barked. "Oh trust me we already on it."

"I got a feeling he not in this by himself, something else is up and I want to know before it happens." They nodded and then Nick busted through the door out of breath and shit. "Boss I got something you need to see," he said handing me a flash drive. "What is it?"

"The confession of the spy. It took a while to get him to break but when I did he cracked good." I stuck the flash drive in and pressed play. We sat there listening to every move they had made and planned on making. The guys were buying it and shit but I can read people and this was all bullshit. Some of it may be true but more than likely the other half wasn't. I had to get to the bottom of this because I didn't not only was I not safe but neither was Anna or Ciara. I told the guys to keep digging and grabbed everything and took with me, I needed a new environment to look things over.

When I went to pick up Anna she was waiting on the sidewalk like I said and we headed home. Ciara was at my sister's house so it was just me and Anna. The whole ride home all I could think about was who was doing this; I had to find out before shit got too heavy for me to fix it.


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