Chapter Thirty-Three

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I sped down the highway like I was the damn flash. I couldn't understand what went wrong, it was like everything was against me getting Anna back right now. Right before me my life was crashing and taking my air with me. I got there in ten minutes, parked, and just sat for a minute. I was trying to regain my confidence and trying to reassure myself that everything would be okay. That I would walk into that hospital and they would tell me she was awake. "You okay," Momma J asked bringing me back to reality. "Just keep telling myself everything will be okay or at least trying to convince myself it will."

"Hayden this is just a setback, not the end."

"Then why does it feel like the end?" she couldn't answer me so I just got out. With her silence she confirmed everything; I found Angie with the kids, "What happened?"

"All of a sudden she started having a seizure which dropped her heart rate below normal. They are trying to stabilize her now but they said it didn't look good." The fuck!

"Okay I'm going to take the kids back to the house until we hear something. They don't need to be around this anymore, especially not Ciara." I nodded as she got the girls. I kissed them good bye and watched as they left out.

"I can't lose her Hayden," Angie cried on my shoulder. I had never seen Angie cry but now she was crying a river. I wanted to console her but at this point I felt completely numb. I couldn't comfort someone else when I wasn't happy myself. I was witnessing the love of my life slip away from me and I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

After three hours the doctors came and informed us about what was going on. "So as you know Annalisa's heart rate dropped and we had to stabilize her. Turns out when they did the emergency C-section, they didn't check something which caused the air to her brain to be cut off."

"Is she okay now though?"

"Again she is unconscious and unresponsive to anything."

"So first you tell me you have to do an emergency C-section on my girlfriend and I say okay. Then you tell me that somehow the baby is okay but Annalisa isn't. I have been at this damn hospital for almost four days waiting for her to come back to me; thinking that there is no hope but the truth is it was your people fault for they cut the air circulation to her brain. And now you are telling me that I have to continue to wait after already waiting four days for her to wake up." I was now pissed.

"Mr. Marks I know this is difficult but I advise you to-"

"No, I advise you to make sure you my girlfriend wakes up or I will sue this entire hospital for the death of my girlfriend!" she looked shocked at my words and just turned to leave. I could feel the dark side of me coming out and if did there was going to be hell to pay. Anna had found a way to calm my dark side but if she died everyone around me was going to feel the wrath of the monster I kept inside.

"Hayden Levi is going to take me home, call me if anything happens," Angie said looking at me. "Yea sure." She hugged me and then left out. I made my way back to Anna's room. When I entered I saw her lying peacefully like she was just sleeping. I gently caressed her face hoping she would open her beautiful eyes. I sat down and sighed. "Annalisa I don't know if you can hear me but I need you, I need you to wake up for me. I can't do this without you, I don't want to do this without. If you leave me then I don't know what I will do." I felt water leave my eyes as I stared at her motionless body. I eventually fell asleep with her hand enclosed in mind and my head lying on her bed.

I don't know how long I was out but I woke up to someone pulling on my hair which caused me to look up. When I did I saw the most amazing thing looking at me, Anna. "You're awake!" she nods her head and gripped my hand tight. "You don't know how much I missed you," I stroked her face with the back of my hand. "I heard you," she croaked out. "I heard everything." She moved her hand down to her stomach and looked up at me. "Don't worry the baby is fine."

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