Chapter Thirty-Four

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After three whole days of being under inspection I was finally able to go home. When they said I could leave I jumped out of that damn bed. Of course Hayden had to make sure they were right before he agreed himself. If I thought he was protective when I was pregnant, boy was I wrong. Between watching over summer and Spencer, he always making sure I am okay. He is literally smothering me. I can't complain though, I love him and his overprotectiveness.

When we got home I sighed, I thought I would never see this place again. I helped him get the children out since they were all knocked out. "We can't just leave them on the bed. I mean only Ciara can sleep in a bed without falling and hurting herself."

"Don't worry I already have their beds and rooms ready," he said walking into the house. I followed him up the stairs and to the room closest to our room. We walked in and I almost fainted. "When did you do this?" the room was painted turquoise and white with one side painted just turquoise and the other white. There were cribs and everything already set up for the children like we had planned this out. "Well the room was already painted like this but I had to readjust for Summer. "You know I really do love you," I said kissing him. We put the children in their beds so they could sleep. Summer was surprisingly a quiet baby unless she was hungry or something but other than that she was a very happy child. Now Spencer on the other hand, was an attention getter, not just from me but from Hayden. Anytime you left him he would wail with all his might until someone came and picked him up, I guess he was making up for the time when no one was around or is trying to make sure we are not leaving him again. I know Hayden was hurting but it does hurt he left our son to fend for himself; they were supposed to watch out for each other in times like this not abandon each other.

He went to put Ciara in bed while I went to take a much needed shower. I stripped out of my clothes and turned on the shower so that it was steaming hot. As I was showering I tried with all my might to wash off the things Kyle did to me. I kept picturing the things that happened to me and every day it got worse. I would never tell Hayden this because that would just make him go into overdrive. I wanted to handle this on my own. Tears poured from my eyes at the thought of leaving them behind, especially Ciara. I promised her I would never leave and yet I almost did. I was all she had left and I tried to leave. Kyle tried to take me away from her. The thought of him made me cry harder as I scrubbed my skin to death.

By the time I got out my skin was wrinkled and dry. I still felt dirty but I couldn't do anything about that. I quickly lotion my body before Hayden could see with coco butter. I wrapped a towel around my body and went back into the room. I didn't feel like putting on clothes, I just wanted to finally lay on top of my bed where I felt safe. I gently laid down on the bed loving the feeling of the sheets and covers beneath me. "What are you doing," Hayden asked coming in now with no shirt on and basketball shorts. "When did you change?"

"While you were in the shower. Figured I should get clean too."

"And where is your shirt?"

"Didn't want one," he said smirking. He got in bed with me and pulled me close and soon we both fell into a much needed sleep.

When I woke up I heard voices coming from downstairs. Hayden was still knocked out like a baby. I got out of bed and went to the closet. I put on some grey tights with one of Hayden's black t-shirts. It covered me like a dress which was perfect. As I made my way downstairs I heard laughing and the TV playing. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Jayden, Momma J, and Angie and they had Spencer and Summer with them. What the actual fuck.

"I didn't know we were breaking into houses and playing with other people's children," I said coming all the way down. "Girl hush all that noise, we just figured since both of ya'll were knocked out we would help ourselves."

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