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Just as we expected the next morning when Sakura and I opened our door to get some breakfast, Karin, Jina, and the two unnamed minions were purposely walking by (we heard their footsteps start twenty minutes ago). When they saw us, they stopped.

"Good morning, crazy lady and alien," Karin chuckled as if it was the funniest thing in the world. "How was your night?"

"At least we're not hoes drugging other people's boyfriends," Sakura crossed her arms. "How was that going to accomplish anything?"

"To top it off you idiots sent pictures that could ruin Jina's life if it were to ever spread," I held up my phone. "You clearly didn't think this throigh, Karin."

Jina immediately looked frantic at our words. She shot a wild look at Karin who looked all too calm with the situation.

"You said they'd never figure it out!" The girl snapped. "Not only that! They even figured out they could wreck my life with it!"

"I'm not surprised at all," a smirk spread across her face. "I give credit to the alien for being able to figure it out so quickly. No matter, her boyfriend is still keeping a secret that I'll bet she'd be dying to hear."


Karin stuffed her hands in her sweat pockets, "Oh? So you don't know."

"Shut that hole, bitch or I'll do it for you," Sakura immediately jumped in, pointing a threatening finger at her.

"Pinky knows his secret and never told you either?" Karin laughed like an insane creature. "This is all too good. Too good! I get to take away so much right now that the adrenaline is kicking in, top speed!"

Karin is insane but here's one thing that I learned after all the years of fighting against her. If she had something on me, it's usually true. Everything she uses against me is true.

So if she says that Naruto and the rest of my friends have some kind of secret...

Then it's true.

So...do I want to hear what this big secret is?

Do I... do I want to?

"Just when you start trusting people they keep such a big secret from you," my enemy faked a sympathic sigh. "I feel sorry for you, I really, really do."

Just what kind of secret is this.

"Sakura," I turned to my roommate, "What i-is she talking about?"

The shock on her face told me she didn't want to answer. She never expected me to ask her that question in either.

"Pinky might not tell you," Karin said. "But I will."

I grabbed onto Sakura's sleeve, "Sakura? W-what does she mean by this secret? What is going on?"

Sakura closed her eyes, trying her best to keep herself together as well.

"I-I'm sorry, Hinata," she looked at me, a single teardrop fell from her eye. "S-she's right. I can't tell you."

Karin chuckled again, "All you needed to do is ask."

And I regreted saying the two words that struck straight through my heart.

"Tell me."


Meet me at the cafe right now...please...

I literally jumped out of my bed, threw on a shirt and sprinted all the way to the still closed cafe where she worked.

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now