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When I couldn't find Hinata, I panicked. I checked every single classroom, every single library (we had 5) row by row then her job. The last place I went to was her dorm then I was planning on filing a missing person's report then join in and search with the lot of them.

That's how badly I needed to see her.

I took the steps two at a time until I reached the floor. I sprinted to her door, nearly knocking every girl in my path. I pounded on her door only three times before Sakura showed up at the door, pissed as ever.

"Do you want to be suspended?" she snapped.

"Hinata," was all I managed. "Where is she? I can't find her anywhere! Why can't I find her anywhere?" 

A flash of amusement passed Sakura's eyes at my panicked state. Not the time to be joking, geez!

"Where is she? Where can I find her? Sakura-chan this isn't supposed to be funny!"

"Alright," my past love said. "If you were going to be looking for someone in college, why don't you start with her dorm first?"

So she was here, good.

"Are you dead serious?" I slowly grew annoyed with myself. Hinata is really unhealthy for my mental being.

Sakura held up a finger, "She's on the phone so go in quietly."

I gently pushed pass her and straight to the little cracked open door. Behind it, I heard a voice; the same voice that has caused me to trip over so many times these past weeks. But it sounded... confident and almost the complete opposite of being the cute one she uses whenever she's with me.

Hinata had her back turned to me as she stared out the door so I couldn't see her expression. The phone was pressed against her right ear and she spoke with the urgency of a forty-five year old businessman.

Who is she talking to?

I slowly walked in using my ninja like skills and shut the door just as she said something.

"Is there anything else you wish to know, Neji-san?" she said, her voice laced with irritation that I didn't know someone who shone like Hinata had.

And I never wanted to see again.

My next actions were surprising to me, too.

I took the phone out of her grip, this time surprising her beyond imagine but I didn't care. This person turned Hinata salt so I'm going make sure this Neji never does it again.

"Hey you, bastard with an attitude," I snapped into the phone.

"Naruto-kun, don't!" Hinata made a grab for her phone I thanked the heavens I was a good three heads taller than her. She's so cute trying to reach me.

"Who is this?" so it is some dude who won't stop bothering her. "What did you do to Hinata-sama?"

"Uzumaki Naruto, her boyfriend," I replied, glancing at her. "Unless you got some kind of death wish, I'm telling you to did you just say Hinata-sama?"

Who the gong hell is this dude?

"Yes I did bastard," it was his turn to snap at me. "How dare you use no honorifics with her?"

Hinata finally successfully stole the phone from me and quickly said, "I'll explain everything later, Neji-san. Bye." and hung up.

Hold on! Is Hinata some kind of lost princess who just so happen to have to stay in Konoha because there are some evil people going after her? 

Damn Hinata just gets more and more awesome as I get to know her.

"W-why are you here, Naruto-kun?" shit, I forgot that she was still angry with me. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her arms crossed her feet tapping every other second.

She's still really, really cute though.

I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly, "I don't know where to start."

"How about where you didn't tell me about your feelings for Sakura-chan?" 

That is a good place to start.

"I didn't want to make you worry," I started, taking a deep breath. "I won't lie, at one point I would've been happy to have gotten into many fist fights with Sasuke for her but recently, I haven't had that urge for quite some time. Instead, it seems like I want to get into fist fights for... someone else."

"And who is that?"

I took one long step that automatically closed the gap between the fuming Hinata and me. My arms reached out and pulled her into me in one fast swift motion. She fought in my arms, asked me to let her go but I didn't. Instead, I stopped her fidgeting by placing my chin on her shoulder and brushing my cheek against hers. 

"Think for a second, Miss Genius," I closed my eyes, a small smile on my lips. "She became so important to me that I don't think I can ever let her go again."

I felt a deep breath brush my ear. Good, at least she knows the answer.

"Hinata," I murmured into her pink-tipped ear. "I didn't want to tell you about Sakura-chan because I was afraid I was going to lose you. I can't lose you and I thought that if I just never mention the idea of me liking her before, I could really forget about her and just move on with you altogether. It's been working, though. My feelings for Sakura-chan... have completely disappeared. Believe it."

She shifted once, "I-is that so?"

I released her from the hug but I held onto her shoulder, "What? Don't believe me?"

"It's not that," there was a soft blush on her cheeks. "I just don't know i-if the feelings have really disappeared because you did love her for so long."

I grabbed her two hands that were at her sides and gave them a tight squeeze, "But you'd be surprised how you changed them."

I pulled her until our chests were touching. Wrapping her arms around my waist, I touch my forehead to hers, giving her a warm smile. Hinata's face morphed between three different emotions: shock, relief, then a small smile of her own came to.

Then suddenly it turned to curiosity. 

I felt a slight tug from my jean butt pocket, "W-what's this, Naruto-kun?"

As much as I hated it, I lifted my forehead from hers and pulled out the object in my pocket. To be honest, it was my white home soccer jersey with my last name over the top.

"It's for you actually," I admitted. 


I nodded throwing the shirt over her head. She struggled for a bit but she figured it out. She's my smart girl after all.

Holy shit...

Hinata looked down at the jersey which was two sizes too big for her before turning to the mirror to see herself. She turned once and noticed the name.

"I-isn't this yours?"

I nodded, trying to hide my own blush, "There's a game this Saturday. I thought it's time the entire world knows that Hinata Hyuga belongs to Naruto Uzumaki."

Her blush deepened a bit as my girlfriend turned her attention back to mirror image of herself. Which is incomplete in my opinion.

I walked up to her and gave her a close, close back hug staring at our reflection in the mirror. 

There, now that's a complete picture.

"You look perfect," I mumbled. "We look perfect."

Hinata turned her head a bit. Then I felt a soft pair of lips press themselves against my right whiskered cheek.

"Yes," my girl giggled. "Yes, we do."

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now