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And just only in first half, it was already 4-0; Konoha out in front. I was standing on the opposite side of the bench beside Sai who was going to sub in for the injured right wing when the second half starts. The poor guy was being supported by Naruto and Shikamaru as they reached the sideline.

"How's the ankle, Hiroshi?" Kakashi asked right when they came up.

"Twisted, I think," he answered honestly. "But nothing I can't live through."

"And we don't even have a trainer with us today," Shikamaru sighed. "This is quite troublesome to say the least."

Suddenly, Naruto's eyes met mines, "But we do have three pre-medical students."

As if on cue, Sakura has just returned from a food adventure with Ino. All three of us looked at him as if he grew an extra head.

Kakashi's eyes immediately lit up, "Can you please take a look at the ankle?"

Sakura and Ino pushed me forward, "She's the honor student," They said in unison.

I glared at them over my shoulder but knowing that there's no way I can fight the both of them, I crouched over to take off the shoes when a bigger hand grabbed it before me.

I looked at Naruto who simple to gestured for me to examine the ankle.

"It's sprained actually," I corrected, looking up at the brunette soccer player. "You'll need to rest it right away and ice it for ten minutes while awake for a good three days. No running or anything else until then, okay?"

The player nodded, "Thank you, Captain's girlfriend."

I smiled at him, "Anytime."

"Men!" Kakashi suddenly called to all of them. "Locker room now."

"Yes Coach!" And one by one, they piled towards the door.

Naruto had to stand up and wrap the player's arm around his shoulder, "I'll see you after the game?"

I smiled at him, "I'll be here."


She was lost.

She knew the moment she stepped foot through the door. The voices of men also told her that she probably stumbled into the mens' locker room.

The student immediately sighed in amnoyance. Ever since she transferred here, all she's been doing was getting lost.

And she hated it when things don't go her way.

"Is that all, Kakashi-sensei?" Hey, she knew that voice.

The voice belonged to the soccer captain and the boyfriend of her worst enemy.

She'll admit it though, the guy was a hottie. Someone she would date herself but even if his girlfriend is her enemy, she had a little more pride than to become his side chick.

The student missed the coach's dismissal of the team but she didn't miss the, "Hey Naruto, could I talk to you for a moment?"

This sounds like some interesting gossip, she thought.

She put her back against the back of the orange lockers, her ears pricked.

"What is it Kiba?"

"Wait until everybody leaves," ohhhhh this just got very interesting. Her interest is on very high right now.

When the door finally shut, the unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Did you give it to her yet?"

"Give what?"

"That bracelet you bought," the stranger voice asked.

"Ah, yeah not yet," Naruto answered. "Soon, Kiba, soon."

There was the sound of a locker opening then closing.

"You know," Kiba chuckled. "I think that bet might've done you some good."

Wait hold on, bet?

"Go out with Hinata for two months and if I don't fall for her, then I get Sakura," Naruto recited to himself then with a soft chuckle, he continued. "I'm glad I lost that bet, you know."

The student covered her mouth, her heart leaping with absolute excitement. She always thought that it was weird that someone with crazy eyes like her enemy could hook a hottie like Naruto Uzumaki.

It was all a bet...for another girl even.

This is some golden shit, the girl thought. The perfect key I need to ruin her life completely.

Hinata took the guy she loved from her.

Now it's time she take the guy Hinata loved from her.

"You better hope that nobody besides our little group finds out," Kiba suddenly said.

"I know. Especially since I can't lose her now. Finding out that the reason we're together is because of a bet would kill her. I don't want to do that."

But I do.

A door suddenly opened and a snap made the two soccer player scramble out of the locker room. Second half must be starting soon.

She was able to wander back to her seat but her mind was nowhere on the game. How was she going to expose Naruto's dirty little secret to Hinata?

"Karin?" One of her minions snapped her out of her predicament. "You okay girl?"

Karin only smirked at the girl, "Jina, how would you feel if I said you can get your man?"

"My man?" The other two minions interests suddenly left the game as well.

"Uzumaki Naruto," Karin said slowly. "How would you like it if I said I know how to make him yours?"

Jina's face lit up, "Then you are my savior!"

"Then all of you ladies listen to me and listen to me good."

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now