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"Ahh I can't believe they convinced us to go another round," Sakura exclaimed to the reflection to herself. 

Sakura, Ino and I managed to escape our boyfriends to use the bathroom. I honestly had to pee and they just wanted to escape the guys for a few minutes. 

"They're just sore losers," Ino reapplied some lipstick. 

I continued washing my hands, humming silently to myself. 

"But that Naruto!" Sakura suddenly slammed her hand down, scaring not only us but some other ladies in the proximity. 

She then turned to me, pointing her mascara brush at me, "You cannot and will not forgive him for that stupid little hug he gave you earlier. We had to use three hits in order to win."

"U-understood," I shuttered. Sakura at the moment looked like she was out to kill Naruto so there's nothing I can do but agree. She only smiled and nodded once with satisfaction before returning to her make up.

"Oh my god," some high pitched voice echoed behind us. "I thought she was looking at us."

"I knoooow," her friend murmured. "It scared the living hell out me, too. What is with those eyes?"

"Is she by chance like possessed?" another voice pitched in.

I briefly looked up to see who the gossipers were. Two gingers and a brunette were hiding around the corner. They had on outfits that did not fit this weather at all but it looked more like they were trying to get one night stands than playing mini golf with a whole bunch of guys.

"Ew," one of the gingers suddenly said. "I think that thing actually looked at me."

The brunette suddenly laughed, "Then you better get an exorcism otherwise you'll be like possessed, too."

Story of my life and I'm used to it. I've lived this way for more than a decade and back then I used to cry to my mother or my older cousin. I never went to my father because all he said was toughen up since the world was never a nice place to start with. I learned to toughen up a bit, thanks to my cousin. I've been doing a good job of ignoring it, too.

That doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

I was only going to leave without saying anything. One of the best weapons is the use of ignoring people because then they just get angry with themselves. Giving them attention will only fuel their harassment.

But just as I shut off the water, someone slammed their hand or hands down. 

"If you bitches want to keep your fucken tongues," Sakura...?

Not only her, I swear a dangerous black aura was radiating off of Ino as well. They both had their heads down but the twitches of anger were as clear as day.

"Then we suggest you run with your tails tucked in your asses now," Ino finished.

One of them made a gasp of disbelief, "You're actually defending her?"

That did it.

Sakura raised a fist, "Yes we are! And believe it or not I know how to kill a bitch with a bottle of lipstick!"

"No you don't," the brunette replied.

Ino just looked over her shoulder with a look that could really kill, "Do you wanna try us?"

The girls were out of there faster than a blink of an eye. I, however, was in utter disbelief as they returned to their normal states without another word.

"You g-guys -"

Ino raised a hand, "Those girls were just blind. But Hinata... do you always take those insults like it's nothing?"

I nodded once, "My cousin just taught me to ignore it. I've gotten use to it by now."

"Well then now get use to us protecting you every time," Sakura looked at me, her emerald eyes glimmering with warmth.

"No -"

"It'll be more bothersome if we don't," they both said. "Because we're your friends now."

Their words literally brought tears to my eyes. My first friends. My first friends who I can actually trust with my life. Who would never hide things from me.

"Then," I gave them a smile. "Please take care of me."


Sasuke had Naruto in a headlock when we left the girls' bathroom. Sai just stood by sipping some soda and watched the antic with interest. He was the first one to see us come out and tell the two idiots to knock it off.

Naruto saw me and with a quick short sprint ran over, engulfing me in his arms. I giggled, trying to free myself since he will squish me if I don't. 

"Alright, round two," he called to everyone, me still under his arm. "This time, we will win."

Sakura gave him a sideways smirk, "And if you don't, that's two nights of dinner on you jerks."

"A bet's a bet," I didn't miss his gulp. 

He's broke, isn't he?

We went through the first three holes almost like the first round. Only this time, Sakura and Ino managed to only get a hole with only one hit each. Then they would sit on Naruto when it was my turn so he wouldn't distract me like he did last time.

While we were moving to the third hole, I noticed not many were left only a few teenagers and some other familiar faces from campus plus us. I also did notice Naruto's hand around mines as we walked behind the other two couples. 

Then he suddenly called, "Hey guys. Hinata and I are gonna get ice cream."

Sasuke was the first to answer, "In this weather?"

"Yes in this weather," my boyfriend snapped back. "We'll catch up with you then."

"Did you even ask her, idiot?" Sakura called over her shoulder as Naruto started leading me away.

We made it to the little concessions stand at the main gate. The concessionist looked like he was ready to go home but he can't until the last person left the course. I didn't miss the little groan he gave when Naruto and I walked up.

"What kind do you want?" Naruto asked.

"S-strawberry would be okay," I answered. "I'll pay for my own, N-Naruto-kun."

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you paid?" he led me over to the bench that was on the side of the stand. "Wait here, okay?"

He gave me a quick peck on the cheek before bouncing back to the front of the stand. Sasuke and Sakura must be right. He is a little crazy for wanting ice cream in thirty degree weather but I wasn't going to be the one to pop his little bubble of joy. I leaned back a bit closing my eyes and adjusting my sore muscles from a full day of running back and forth.

I will make Marou pay for that.

"Well, well, well," a single voice made my blood temperature match the weather's. "Look at our Little Alien all grown up."

I opened my eyes and sat up, completely astonished with the sudden appearance of the she-devil herself. I sprang to my feet and faced her, all the fear from the past now slowly becoming anger and frustration.

"Wow," she adjusted her glasses. "Those eyes are even creepier than they were before."

But to kill a dragon you must first enrage it.

And with her, it is quite easy.

I forced a smile to spread on my lips and in my sweetest voice possible I asked, "How have you been, Karin?"

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن