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Who the fuck is Inuzuka-kun? Why is she already on the 'kun' level with this jerk anyway? No wait! Inuzuka...Inuzu..Inu...

"Kiba, you damn bastard!" I leapt to my feet; surprising the two people by the door.

The bastard smiled with pretend innocence, "Oui, I didn't know you where here, Naruto. But I wasn't looking for you, obviously. I was actually looking for Hinata."

"M-me?" Hinata squeaked, a little to my annoyance.

This son of a bish is already using her first name without a care in the world, too?!!!

"Of course I'd be here with my girlfriend," I walked over until I was literally behind Hinata, glaring the jerk down.

Kiba Inuzuka: brown spiky hair, red birth marks on his cheeks that give him the impression of some damn badass, some smooth slick moves, and resident playboy of this here college.

Question is: what does the resident playboy want with a quiet bunny like Hinata anyway?

Kiba's black pupils widened a little in confusion but then refocused with the epiphany that made me shiver. 

"I came here to return to Hinata the textbook I borrowed for chemistry yesterday," with a smile he handed my girlfriend the black-covered textbook, ignoring me all of a sudden.

"Thanks. I promise I'll find mines before class tomorrow. Akamaru probably just dragged it somewhere and slept on it. I just didn't have time to find it this morning because I was already late for class. It's a good thing I ran into you when I did."

My annoyance deepened when Hinata smiled at him with that damn cute smile of hers, "I'm glad I could be of help. Akamaru is usually a good dog, I'm pretty sure if he did steal you textbook he wouldn't have taken if far."

He laughed, "If he was as good as you say he is, then I guess half of my missing stuff would never have disappeared in the first place."

Hinata suddenly...giggled. Like a sincere giggle! Something I have yet to hear until today. And she's not giggling with me though.

No this isn't going to work.

I suddenly grabbed Kiba's face and pushed him out the door, "Let me have a word with you, Kiba."

His arms frailed everywhere until we were on the floor's lobby and Hinata's room was a good five door away. That was when I allowed for Kiba to continue receiving the necessary oxygen his body needed.

"What the fuck was that for, jerk?!" he snapped, gasping once twice.

"That," I drew a breath. "Being all giggly with Hinata."

Kiba finally recovered and he was amused, "I'm giggly with every girl. Hinata, though, is a pretty nice girl to be giggly around."

"Take that back," I threatened but he only started laughing, annoying me to an impossible extent.

"Why?" He said. "Why? It's not like she's your girlfriend or anything."

"She is my girlfriend," I said.

Kiba stopped laughing altogether, his eyes widening again, "That's the first time I heard that one. I thought she was only a bet?"

I slapped a hand over his mouth before looking around quickly to make sure no girls were lurking about. To our luck, not a single soul was around. 

"Say that louder why don't you?" I snapped at him. 

The guy raised an eyebrow, "You just avoided that question like a boss."

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now