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I know you guys would probably murder one another before next weeks update so here's my little treat to you. Just a word of warning: y'all might just hate me a lot more than you already do for writing this story. Lol!



My ankle isn't broken! It's just a little twisted because some jerk from the other team decided it'd be awesome to kick my ankle instead of the ball with all his force. She needed to keep her nose out of my business, especially after I told her that I was fine. That was very annoying of her to insist that I'm not hurt.

A sudden smack behind my head stopped me on my mad walk home. I grabbed the back of my blonde hair, angry now I whipped around almost surprised to see who was facing me.

"T-Tenten-senpai," I named the girl with the brown hair buns and a very, very pissed off looking expression on her face.

"What the hell was that?" she snapped.

"What was what?"

She pointed to the cafe where Hinata was working and where I stormed out. Shoot! I forgot my cup of mocha, too. Today just isn't my day, is it?

"I still have no idea what you're talking about," I replied.

Without warning, she smacked me once again. I grabbed my head again and shouted, "Hey! Stop it! It's not funny!"

"Oh and it's funny to be playing with someone's heart, I see," Tenten narrowed her eyes and adjusted her bag. "I understand you completely, Naruto."

I shook my head, "I don't understand what you're trying to say to me."

She took another look at the cafe but then grabbed my bicep, dragging the limping me toward our school. Her grip told me that this isn't the normal joking around Tenten I'm about to answer to. No, this Tenten is the pissed off one that I made a mistake... pissing off.

On a normal day, Tenten is like an older sister to me. She's helped me through a whole bunch of shit that life liked to chuck at me. She is my senior by a year under the psychology major. That's probably why she always knows how to solve my many stupid problems. She was also the one that helped me through the hard time period where Sasuke won Sakura.

But I don't have a problem right now. At least not that I know of.

We made it to a bench right outside the soccer field before she sat down with a loud groan. Then with those big scary brown eyes, she shot daggers at me.

"I have no idea why you're looking at me like that..." I said.

She said a simple word, "Sit."

I obeyed.

"Now are you ready to hear your list of idiotic actions?"

"I don't know what I did to have earned this honor," I replied.

Another whack across my head got me to shut up.

"Snapping at Hinata like some kind of angry-challenged person who was going to bite someone's head off is a place to start," she replied.

I rubbed my head but didn't say anything, "Did I really sound like that?"

Tenten's expression softened a bit, "You might have some weird goofy face but when you snap, it does tend to scare people. Except me and the rest of your dude friends but for a girl as fragile as Hinata, do expect that it might've hurt her, idiot."

No answer. I had no answer as I started at my tennis shoes.

Your damn selfish thinking hurt Hinata, jerkass! My mind scolded me, too.

I hid my eyes behind my spiky blonde hair, "I-I didn't mean or want to hurt her in any way."

"You have to understand that sometimes not all girls are as strong-willed as Sakura can be," Tenten said a little slower for me to understand.

What does she mean by that? Is she saying that Hinata isn't as strong as Sakura? No, no that's not true. She doesn't know what she's saying because she doesn't know Hinata like I do.

"You don't get it, Senpai," I looked at her, my eyes narrowing. "Hinata is the stronger girl I have ever met. She's even stronger than Sakura by ten folds because of what she has to go through."

Tenten looked surprised at my comment but I didn't stop, "So next time you ever say Hinata is weak, I don't care who you are, I will make sure I change your mind."

My senpai looked at me, confused and almost bewildered with my sudden outburst. I didn't stay for her to say anything else to justify her own argument.

I made my point, and that's that.



Marou noted my weird change in attitude but didn't say anything. While Naruto was here, Marou did the gentlemanly thing and went to clean the restrooms. When he returned, I was behind the counter angrily trying to fix the broken scanner on his drawer.

He made me go home about three hours later when I haven't said a word. The only thing that told me he was dead serious was the way he looked at me so I took his advice and called it a night.

It wasn't too dark out so I was less cautious on my walk, the whole time my mind hasn't entirely wrapped itself around the idea that Naruto was so annoyed with me because I was worried about him. I'm hella confused as to why he acted the way he did but at the same time I completely understand.

I'm a nuisance... that's all I am to people. I don't give my classmates curves on tests when they need it the most. I'm also the one that accidentally reminds the teacher that we had homework the night before because that's all I am.

A nuisance. Even now, when I have a boyfriend, I'm a nuisance to him.

I made it to the girls' dorm without knowing. My feet sometimes just move on it's own and a majority of the time I can trust it to paint my path for me. I haven't got lost once, especially with my constant doubts and -

"Hinata! Ow!" the very familiar voice stopped me halfway through the door.

There he was, sitting at one of the coaches with an annoyed RA tapping her finger at his antic.

The door closed behind me, "Naruto-kun, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you, Hyuga-sama," the RA sighed. "Just make sure he's outta here before midnight."

I nodded to the blonde woman as she walked away. I made my own way over to Naruto, a giant smile on his lips told me he probably completely forgot that he blew me off earlier this afternoon.

"I was waiting for you," he said, trying to sit up but stopped and winced.

I stood there, "Is that so?"

"Are you mad?" he suddenly asked, looking down at his feet. "I'd understand if you're mad."

"Would you really?" I raised an eyebrow.

Naruto looked to the side in shame, "I'm sorry for this afternoon. I just hate it when others worry about me because I truly am fine."

He looked up at me just as I raised an eyebrow. He gave a chuckle, "Okay maybe not completely fine but," without warning Naruto stood up, nearly knocking me over.

I had to take a step back to steady myself but an arm was already there balancing me. Ocean deep eyes suddenly looked into pale ones with the gentleness that could sooth any baby on this earth. All the doubts I had about myself and about the way Naruto acted suddenly evaporated just like that.

Naruto's warm forehead suddenly rested on mines, his eyes closed and the tranquil look on his face slowly soothed my own racing heart.


"I will never hurt you again, Hinata," he murmured, his eyes slowly opening halfway. "Never again, I promise."

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now