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My luck with my childhood enemy just keeps getting worst and worst. As Sakura, a very grouchy Ino and I sat down in the lecture hall, Karin and one of her goons, the brunette, appeared also. Each of them wearing clothing as if they were going to a party rather than a biology lecture hall.

The guys that were already in the class literally swooned over them as they walked across the front.

They so did that on purpose. Coming in through the front door to grab attention from cute guys, pathetic.

"Like at those bitches thinking they're all that," I heard Sakura murmur under her breath. "I outta claw each of their eyes out and feed it to my parents' dog."

Ino, who had her head down on the other side of me, turned with a groan, "Don't make the poor dog suffer."

She then lifted her head, "That's the one? I'm shocked, Hinata. You could've pissed off someone prettier."

"Then it'd be hard to have insults fights with her," Sakura called over me. "Come on pig, you've been lazing around enough already."

I bent over so Sakura could smack Ino's back, all the while trying to hide my face from her. She hasn't seen us yet but when it comes to spotting me anywhere, she has the eyes of a hawk.

"And it looks like the alien and I have the same classes as well," see? What'd I say?

I groaned under my breath and shot a sideways glare at her. She was standing right beside Ino, who dozed off a bit after being hit by our friend. I automatically placed my hand in front of Sakura who looked like she wanted to jump Karin on the spot.

"You were always a smart one," the red head adjusted her glasses. "Always ruining life for your classmates."

"What do you want?" I asked, deadpanned.

She looked at the brunette as if the most obvious thing in the world, "She just asked me what I wanted Jina."

"Didn't you say she was like a genius?" Jina chuckled.

"I guess as you get older your brain slowly dies away," Karin flipped her hair again. Gosh I want to cut it off.

"Shut your trap," an almost demonic growl silenced me from even moving.

I glanced at Sakura and saw a smirk slowly coming to her face. She then pointed at the sleeping blonde beside me.

Karin was literally shouting in Ino's ear this entire time.

The dark aura from last night returned again as Ino slowly raised her head, her eyes glued forward but I didn't miss the demonic look behind it.

Well shit...

But I'm not going to drag her into this. This is my fight and my fight alone. I'm going to make sure that Karin understands that she can't just waltz back into my life and expect me to shiver in fear every time I see her again. No, I'm a different girl now. I am here to make sure that she understands that she can no longer control me whenever she wants to.

I put my hand on Ino's head, slowly putting her head back down before her demonic side fully awakens.

"Besides wanting to make my life a living hell," I stood up, facing her head on. "I want to tell me straight up front right now what you want me to do?"

She laughed as if it's the most obvious thing in the world before her face becoming dark, "I want to see you suffer. I want to see you beg me to stop doing what I do because it's hurting you so much that you cringe every time you see my face or even breathe my name."

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now