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I stood outside the girls' dorm, constantly checking my watch. Both Hinata and I have morning classes so I thought I could probably walk her to her class then find out what happened yesterday. After I found her crying at the tables alone, I kinda panicked and almost immediately assumed she figured out that I was only date her based on a bet. 

But when I saw the way she looked at two guys when we were leaving the theater, I knew that wasn't it. Those two guys must've done something to upset her and I'm determined to find out what. Luck just how happens to work in my favor 'cause I have physical education with both of them. Not to mention, we're playing dodgeball together.

I was already in my PE clothes only wearing a sweater over the shirt since it is cold. Imagine my surprise when Hinata emerged from the dorm rooms dressed in the same exact shorts. We stared at each other for a few seconds in complete shock but then I spoke first.

"We have gym together, don't we?" I asked.

She replied, "Yes, yes we do."

Good, she gets to see me wipe the floor with those two jerks.

"Then let's go," I smiled widely.


The girls got to sit and watch us guys play dodgeball. Only those that wanted to play joined in and try it out but they'd rather be on their phones then have their pretty coated face murdered with a ball. 

The two guys from the theater joined in on the game and thankfully on the other team along with Shikamaru and Sasuke. As the teacher was busy trying to stop some of the insults some guys were already throwing at one another, I caught sight of Hinata sitting on a bench all by herself. The other girls on the complete opposite end of the gym. She wasn't on her phone like the other girls was. Instead, she had a binder out and was scribbling something in it, her backpack by her feet.

Wow, she's dedicated.

Hinata looked at me suddenly with her beautiful eyes. I winked, she blushed, some girls glared.

"Are you ready?" The coach's booming voice caught all of our attention.

"Stop staring," Sasuke suddenly appeared at my side in a ready position to sprint and get the ball. "You're actually drooling."

"Shut it," I growled. "Oh and those two pretty boys are mines, got it?"

He raised an eye, "Since when did you have a bone to pick with Johnson-san and Bowen-san?"

"Since they made the mistake of messing with Hinata," I snapped.

Sasuke wanted to say more but was cut off by the sound of the whistle to begin. I leapt forward just as the blonde dude did as well for the same ball, too. Sudden adrenaline gave me the one step ahead to snatch the ball from the middle of the gym. His green eyes widened just as I leapt back and threw the ball with my might straight into his gut. Poor guy doubled over in pain but that's what he gets for messing with Hinata.

His buddy, the one with complete black hair similar to Sasuke's, turned to the teacher wanting to call the hit a foul but just as he turned, Sasuke threw one that hit him square in the chest.

I dodged to the side and managed to stand back to back with my friend.

"I told you that I wanted both of them to myself," I said through grit teeth as I caught a ball flying at him with one hand, freeing one of our already ousted teammates from the little jail line beside the teacher.

Sasuke caught one of his own, "He was wide open so I took the damn chance."

My eyes shot over to where they were in line, awaiting for one of their own teammates to catch a ball, "The next time they come in, I get them both."

Sasuke didn't even look at me as he batted a ball away, "I wouldn't dare interfere, lover boy."

I pivoted to the side avoiding one sailing straight for my face, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Dude just call the bet off already," he said blankly. "It's better you do it now or it might be too late."

What does he mean by that? "I don't follow."

"Hinata has already become something special to you," he sighed. "I never expected you to fall for her so quickly."

"That's not true," I snapped. "I feel very sorry for her and it's my obligation to protect her from jerks like those two foreigners over there. They made her cry so they pay the price."

The basketball player looked at his feet for a few seconds, "Just don't do anything stupid to hurt that poor girl, got it?"

What the fu -



"Careful! Careful! Careful! Ow! That hurts!" I tried batting the hand away but it returned with the stinging alcohol.

The unique eyes watched me in amusement, "I-it's your fault for not paying attention. Now, stop fidgeting."

"I need to fidget, Hinata," I smiled but it was way too painful. "It shows that I'm healthy."

"I know you are, but if you want the stinging to go away faster you'd stop moving," she dabbed my cheek twice more before stopping and working on a package. We were sitting together on the bleachers after class. Everybody left about ten minutes ago and Hinata was treating this damn bruise on 

I watched her movements, completely flawless. She knows what's she's doing and she's confident about it. If only the world could see it too.

"I'm sorry," I started. 

Hinata looked at me confused, "What for?"

"For not being able to beat the living crap out of those guys for you," I sighed. "As your boyfriend -"

"W-wait," she held up a hand. "As my what?"

I looked at her as if she grew an extra head or something.

"Your boyfriend," I repeated. "We're dating now, right?"

Please say yes, please say yes. I didn't miss how her eyes widened and how the question completely caught the poor girl off guard. If she says yes, I just need to endure two months of meaningless love words and gestures for this to be done. 

Only two months, you can do this.

"I-I guess," Hinata finally answered.

Not a complete yes but it was better than a no.

"Awesome," I smiled at her warmly. "I'll take good care of you, I promise."

Hinata blushed once again at my words. Oh this job is going to be really easy.

"Now the first job of you being my girlfriend," the pain suddenly stung again. "Is getting rid of this pain. It stings!"

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now