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Hinata's treatment on my ankle went pretty well. At least now I can walk without wincing every two steps. She sure does have that magic touch in her. Too bad so many jerkasses judge her just by looking at those unique eyes. Talk about stupidity. 

She's a sweet girl. She's a nice girl. She's the perfect girl. 

A flash of her warm smiling face as she wrapped my ankle made my lips twitch into a smile. Her touch was so delicate and so careful yet firm enough to tell me that inwardly, Hinata Hyuga is one of the most confident girls in the world. 

"Nothing creepy about that at all," a sudden voice made my eyes shoot open. To no real surprise, Sasuke was standing there with his arms crossed and an amused smile on his lips. 

I furrowed by brows at him, "What do you mean creepy?"

"Smiling in your sleep like that," he chuckled. "What cha dreaming about this time? Ramen or Hinata?"

Shit. He can't know that I was actually smiling about her; especially since he proposed the damned bet in the first place. 

"What do you think?" I snapped at him.

He opened his mouth to answer but I lifted a finger, "Say a word and I'm gonna stab you with this until you beg me to stop."

"Just admit you lost," Sasuke said as he turned his back, his black eyes almost accusing. 

"I don't just give up like that," I growled. "You should know me better than that."

His black eyes softened a bit, "You really are an idiot." 

Then he left without justifying what he meant.


I didn't have any classes today so I really had nothing to do. I kicked a ball around for a majority of the morning, cursing Sasuke's existence for waking me up so early. But then I just strolled around campus watching other students hanging out with friends.

It's not that I didn't have any friends. They all have their damned classes so I can't really go and bother them. I mean I can but I already make my professors suffer enough with me being there. Today is practically their day off so I shouldn't. I mustn't. 

I'm such a lonely soul! 

Wait, hold up. I have a girlfriend!

Whipping out my phone, my fingers sent a text asking if Hinata was free. Half of me expected her to say that she had class as well. Hinata is someone who'd take extra classes on her days off just so she could escape the hell we call school. What Hinata needs to do is learn to loosen up. I guess she's terrified that if she did, something bad is going to happen to her. 

That thought alone is scary. 

My phone suddenly vibrated in my hands. I unlocked my phone, almost shocked to see the response.

im free today until 5 cause i have work. y?

I can't tell if I was excited or nervous. The times I spent with Hinata have been getting more and more fun that it didn't take me long to notice that...

I do want to spend time with her.



When Naruto texted me out of the blue wondering what I was doing and if I have classes today, I only took it as him asking a question because he was bored. Never in a million years did I expect him to show up at my door five minutes later with his backpack and that huge goofy grin on his face.

"N-Naruto-kun, what are you doing here?" I blinked once, twice, completely confused and lost with this. 

His eyes didn't leave my body, making me very conscious of what I was wearing which was literally only a t-shirt and some pretty short athletic shorts. I automatically blushed.

Naruto noticed my blush and cleared his throat, his face slowly heating up, "You said you had the day off," he replied. "I just thought we could spend some time together, you know. Just you," one step forward. "And," one more step. "Me." the door closes with Naruto standing in front smiling like the huge idiot he is as I watched him almost unbelievably. 

"Are you serious?" I blinked, once.

He nodded as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, "Just a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Come on."

Naruto expertly took his shoes off only using his heels before taking my arm and dragging me into my own dorm room. Sakura had a class so she wasn't in but right next door is her blonde best friend who I might need to tutor later. I really don't know 'cause when she asked if I could tutor her today, she made it sound ambiguous so that didn't really help.

My boyfriend led me into the living room where he sat down in the sofa while I stood watching him carefully.

"What?" he asked. "Come on, sit with me."

When I still looked a little uneasy he gently pulled me down until I sat down next to him, eyeing him carefully. 

"You don't have any friends to hang out with today so you chose me, right?" I asked.

"That's not it," the lie in his voice way too evident. "I just wanted to spend time with my lovely girlfriend. No fault in that, right?" He let my hand go as he laid back against the armrest, stretching his legs out behind him.

It didn't take him long to find the TV remote and turned it on.

I knew it. Naruto knows I'm not the exactly the most fun person to be with. All I do is study, study, Netflix, then study some more. That's all I ever do since I can't exactly trust anyone in this world. He just wanted to use our TV and that's it.

I can't believe for a moment I expected more out of him.

Sighing, I stood up and just exactly what I expected; Naruto didn't follow. He was more fascinated in some random reality show that was happening at the moment. I'm not surprised at all. Maybe a little disappointed because I expected a little more out of him. 

I was walking towards the door of my bedroom when two soft taps stopped me right in front of the front door again. Huh, I guess Ino is here for her little tutoring session after all.

But Ino wasn't the one waiting at the door.

For the second time that day, I was completely confused with yet another guy waiting at my door with a pretty goofy grin.

"Inuzuka-kun," I blinked. "C-can I help you?"

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now