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Awesome! I passed another math test with a 99%. I can't believe it! I could've sworn I would've gotten a C on it. I guess re-reading that chapter three times really can teach me something. My parents are going to be so happy and Neji-nii-san, too! They've been giving me extra coaching sessions to make sure I did pass this test. I have to make them some red bean steam buns when I get home. I wonder if Mom would let me use the stove alone... probably not. I'm only eight years old and she said when I finally reach double digits, I get to.

"I can't believe this!" one of my classmates groaned behind me in English. "I got a 56%! My dad's gonna take away all my games for the rest of the month!"

"Don't worry about it," another one of the boys gave him a soft hit on the shoulder. "I got a 47. As long as nobody gets higher than a 95, we'll get a curve that would bring it up at least a letter grade."

The moment I heard that comment, I nearly slid the test answer sheet into my binder. I can't let them see my test grade! If they did, I would get those weird looks again. I hate those looks, they make me feel... not wanted.

"Class, settle down, please," Mr. Johnson clapped his hands twice. My classmates immediately took their seats.

"As many of you know, not many did great on this last test," he sighed. "Not many over a C-"

A hand shot up in two seats in front of me, "Then does that mean you won't put the grade in the grade book because all of us would be failing then? You can't fail a whole class, right?"

"Karin," Mr. Johnson's green eyes rested on the red-headed little girl, "the test is still going in the grade book."

"That's not fair! You just made an impossible test that nobody passed, Mr. Johnson!" she argued, the pitch of her voice getting higher with every word.

Words of agreement filled the classroom. This isn't good... I got a grade higher than a C. Not to help me case... I got an A...

Our teacher sighed. "I'm putting it in the grade book as a punishment and a lesson for all of you. None of studied and this is what you get. Plus, the test wasn't impossible. We do have a student that passed with a very solid score. If she had failed, too then I would've believed this test was impossible but she didn't so your grades are solidified."

Almost immediately after those words, I felt the thirty or so eyes drilling holes into every inch of my body. I had to look down at my purple Hello Kitty binder to avoid those eyes. They knew! They knew!

"Of course the Pale-Eyed Freak got a solid score," the boy from earlier murmured behind me.

"Yeah," his partner agreed, nearly snarling at my very presence. "That's because she's an alien. She's not even human!"

"I can't believe she ruined another test for all of us," a girl two seats away hissed. "Can't she just disappear?"

"I'm surprise she can't. For an alien she should be able to."

Make it stop...

"Why does she have to exist in our class in the first place?"

Please make it stop!

"She's nothing but a freak with ugly pale eyes. She's not wanted in our world so just leave!"

Stop it!


I shot out of my bed, cold sweat running down my back. The sound of beeping, which was distant seconds ago, getting closer and closer until it was the only sound playing against my ears. I looked around, taking in my surroundings.

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now