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Well, this is awkward. Very awkward... more awkward then when my cousin had to sit me down around fifth grade to explain the birds and the bees.

"Uchiha-san," I blinked twice.

Two days have passed since Naruto hugged me and promised he'd be patient. He left that night with the soccer team to another school for a game. He's been doing a good job of calling me before every bed and I realized something, at the end of the day, it's his call I'm always looking forward to it.

But as for Sakura's boyfriend. He never comes over to our dorms. Sakura knew he made me kinda uncomfortable.

He held up a hand, "Sasuke is fine."

"Sakura-chan is taking a shower," I continued. "You can wait in the living room if you want."

His eyes looked at me with almost zero interest, "I will."

He entered without another word, taking his shoes off and stalking over to where the sofas were located. At least he doesn't want to talk to me. And like many times before, I'm glad.

But as I made my way towards my bedroom Sasuke suddenly asked, "You and that idiot...how are you two doing?"

"Umm," somehow I knew 'idiot' is Naruto. "We're doing fine."

"He's not," Sasuke looked at me over his shoulder, "Hurting you or anything, right? He can very dense and that often hurts the feelings around him."

For some reason, I'm surprised that he actually asked that question. I guess because it's probably this is the first time he actually acknowledged me.

Should I tell him about how Naruto can be a little...harmful to my feelings?

Nah, he'd think I'd be complaining.

"We're fine," I smiled. "Anyway, I'm going to work. Feel free to make yourself at home."

I moved to the door again but his next words stopped me completely.

"I'm sorry," the basketball captain said, his eyes glued forward.

"C- come again?"

He sighed, "Just for something I did. An advance apology. Like I said, I'm sorry."


What exactly does that mean? The Sasuke Uchiha apologizing is indeed a surprise to everybody. I know for sure I'm shock.

But I never associated myself with him before so why would he apologize to me?

"I'd like to have a peppermint mocha, cashier with beautiful unique eyes."

The familiar voice snapped me back to the present. Right when I focused, a smile formed across my mouth without much warning.

"Naruto-kun! When did you get back?"

He blinked once, twice before a goofy smile slowly spread across his own, "Literally just now. I just asked the team to drop me off here."

He was wearing his orange and black warmer along with some soccer pants. Naruto did look a little tired, too.

"How was the game?"

"We won," Naruto made a small fist pump. "It was no biggie."

"Congrats," I shut off the cashier. "Welcome home, Naruto-kun."

He leaned over the counter suddenly, "Closing already?"

A small blush crept up on my cheeks when I suddenly realized how close he was to me. Do I smell good? Do I look good?

I think I smell like coffee, "W-wasn't busy today."

"Sweet~" he grounded his feet again. "I actually have to buy something real quick. I'll be back to walk you home, okay?"

He's leaving already? But before I could say anything else, the bell on the door was already chiming.

What was that all about?



"No, no," I looked closer at the necklace. It was a small silver bunny on a silver chain. The jeweler promised it was unbreakable so I sure hope it isn't.

"Do you like it, boy?" The old man asked, eyeing me a bit. "Or would you like this bracelet."

I looked over at the other object he was holding. The bracelet was also silver but it had the letter 'N' on it instead of a cute bunny.

Bunny makes it cute on her.

N let's everybody in the world that she's mine.


She's mine it is.

I paid for the bracelet and the man thanked me.

I walked down the block, examining the object a little more closely in the dying afternoon light.

The guys on the team told me to go with my instinct when I asked what I should get for Hinata. I guess my man instinct probably kicked in when it came to this.

I noticed my pace picked up suddenly without me noticing. I'm really excited to see her, I want to see her it feels like.

And I'm not denying it.

Hinata was bent over at the door by the time I was within a good ten feet. I could see her eyes focused intently on the frozen lock as she tried to stick the key in. Around her body was a black trench coat that didn't seem like it was protecting her much against this late December chill. Her cheeks were a little red.

The moment I saw her tuck a strand of her loose raven hair behind her ears, I couldn't control myself anymore.

I walked up to her quietly, my hands leaving my warmer's pockets. And slowly, when Hinata was only a few inches away, I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist. Then gently pulled her back against my chest to share some of my heat with her. My chin rested on her shoulders, and my whiskered cheek rested against her own.

She didn't seem surprise, nor did she jump. Instead, she turned her head a bit and I could feel her cheek press against mines as well.

"I didn't scare you?" I murmured. "I could've been a kidnapper."

"But a kidnapper wouldn't have been as g-gentle as you when you grabbed me," Hinata replied. "I trust that Naruto-kun would never hurt me. That's why I wasn't surprised."

Those supposed to be sweet words suddenly stabbed me. They stabbed right through me.

"Done!" She exclaimed just as I loosened my grip a bit.

Hinata spun around in my grip, facing me with that irresistible smile of hers, "S-sorry it took me so long. The lock was frozen."

"It's fine."

A sudden gust of wind passed through us. I shivered a bit, as if the wind just slapped me across my face.

Hinata shivered a bit in my arms as well, "Let's go home. I know how much Naruto-kun hates the cold."

She pushed my arms away from her gently then took two steps forward. I stayed where I was, watching her movements, almost hypnotized.

But the guilt that raked through me was definitely not allowing me to enjoy the sight.

I'm going out with her because of a bet I made with my best friend for another girl that I loved. But now...now.

But now what?

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now