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"So you leave America and flee across the world," she was speaking in English. I think maybe because her Japanese would be too broke otherwise.

I replied, "You make it sound like I'm a refugee escaping war."

"Might as well, right?" She smirked. "Why are you at a golf course when you're a lonely soul anyway? Don't make your life anymore pathetic then it already is."

I didn't say anything. If I said I was here with my boyfriend she'd think I'm lying then if Naruto did come around and claim that we are indeed dating, she'd just think I paid him or something like that.

I sighed, "Why does it matter to you whether I'm here or not?"

"Because it's my job to make your life a living hell," she said in a low voice. "Especially now that your little alien face popped back in my life."

"You seriously cannot blame me for -"

"I'm blaming you because all the evidence pointed in your direction," Karin snapped, flipping her red hair.

I've had it. She had to show up and sour the good mood that was happening. I made some new friends and I have a boyfriend that is slowly becoming everything to me.

But of course life isn't perfect without the antagonist there to ruin it.

A hand suddenly softly touched my lower back and a bigger body half blocked my view. Intense blue eyes looked into mines, questioning but also a little warn reassuring me a bit.

"Hey let's go," he winked at me. "The jerks are waiting."

Karin looked from Naruto to me as if we both grew two heads.

I smiled gratefully to him then to the she-devil, "It was nice seeing you again."

I let Naruto lead the way until we were sure we were out of sight of the Karin. That was when he turned to me and asked, "Who was she?"

"A very u-unfortunate piece of gum that was stuck to me."

He sat me down on a bench, handing me the one scoop pink ice cream, "You looked like you want to bite her head off."

"That's the least I could do to her," I sighed. "Let's just say she was the queen of m-my suffering."

"Well not anymore," he smiled. "I have a feeling Ino and Sakura would hit her with a bus the moment they can."

That is very true since I did witness Sakura threatened a girl with a lipstick stick. It's relaxing, you know, to be in good...protective hands.

"Hey you got a little something," he pointed to his lip.


I reached up at the spot on my upper lip but he shook his head and pointed at it again.

"Here," Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out a napkin. "I got you."

I couldn't help but blush as his hand slowly approached my lips. What surprised me though was the fact that it suddenly stop inches from my lips. Then he took his hand back.


"I got a better idea," the smile is a symbol for mischief.

This time, his head slowly approached mines, his eyes started closing but they were watching my pale ones quite intensely. The closer it got the faster my heart raced then my brain started concluding.

He's going to kiss me...

It took only a few heartbeats before I felt the soft lips touch mines gently. At that very moment, I wanted the world to stop. I wanted to stay like this for the rest of my life if I can.

Then slowly, I closed my eyes, inviting the kiss from the one that I love.


Something is wrong...

I've kissed many girls in the past. Many in high school and I think like five in middle school. Each time, it only took a few seconds for me to let them go and never talk to the girl ever again.

But why this time... Why this time I didn't want to let go? It frightened me that this firs kiss I shared with Hinata... I didn't want it to end.

I know it had to end but I didn't want it to.

But we had to breath so I had to pull back.

Hinata's eyes were still closed but when they slowly opened a soft pink blush spread across her cheeks.

I chuckled a bit just as she caught my eye. Then briefly wiping my bottom lip with my thumb I winked at her, "See? Way better than a napkin."

My girlfriend's blush deepened to a very dark red that I couldn't help but laugh. Standing up, I offered her my hand, "Come on. Let's get back. I think it's your turn."

We wandered to the tenth hole where Sasuke was already near the hole. He hit it once more and it went in.

"Eight hits," Sakura smirked. "We about to take this home."

He picked up his ball and glared at his girlfriend, "Stop bragging."

"Where have you two been?" Sai asked with a smile as we approached. "And do you have a fever Hinata-san? Your entire face is red."

"Uh n-n-no i-it's nothing!" She waved her hand frantically.

I only chuckled lightly. I guess besides making me feel different, the kiss was also a distraction.

"Whatever is wrong with you," Sasuke gestured to the hole. "Your turn."

Sadly, the kiss only made me feel different. Hinata still amazingly put the ball in the hole with only one hit.

We finished round two with us guys losing once again by a larger margin then the first time. Since it was already so late, we just decided to head back to the dorms and do dinner tomorrow.

"Hinata come ride with us," Sakura said.

We were in the parking lot wandering to the only remaining cars.

"You drove?" Hinata asked beside me.

Sakura nodded, "We were planning on getting something from my parents place then head back to the dorms."

"But I want to drive her back to the dorm," I gently pulled Hinata to my side, almost refusing to let go.

Of course, Sakura didn't give up without a fight and it looked like Hinata actually wanted to hang out with them. Sighing, I gave my girlfriend up to the girls and stalked back to my borrowed car.

The moment I sat down the passenger door opened, and Sasuke's head poked in.

"We're hitching a ride," he said bluntly then folded the chair over allowing Sai to climb into the back.

I didn't even get to protest.

So instead of my insanely beautiful girlfriend, I'm stuck with a dork and a dude that can't stay with the same radio.

"So did you tell her about the bet yet?" Sasuke suddenly asked.

"No," I replied. "There's no need now that I actually want to be with her."

"But doesn't she deserve to know why?"

I sighed, "I already lied to her saying I actually want to get to know her better so there is no need."

Sai suddenly poked his head out from between the seats, "Do you feel guilty at all?"

Guilty? Hell yeah I do. Everytime at of my guy friends bring up the fact that I'm dating Hinata because of bet, I feel like I'm going to die inside. But then the messed up me would see her and then I'd think to myself that the bet gave me a clearer view in who I truly belong with.

"I just don't want to lose her now that she means so much to me," I admitted. "She- Hinata," I took a breath. "I just can't lose her now that I want her to myself."

Then turning to each and everyone of them, "So none of you open your damn mouths, got it?"

Sasuke only laid his head back and shut his eyes, "Aye aye, Captain."

Peppermint Mocha《A NaruHina Fanfiction》Where stories live. Discover now