Chapter 43

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Captain Hook wasn't kidding when he said it was going to be a rough ride. Around five minutes after I got into my small hiding space I heard everyone get on. How could I tell? They were all saying goodbyes to everyone. Then we set off, we went around a mile or two away from the dock.

I may be wrong I think we went pretty far away from the dock. Then we plummeted straight down, I think we went through a portal. Suddenly we were stuck on super rough seas, it wouldn't have been a problem if they weren't all arguing. That's what's going on. Mary Margaret and Regina are fighting, so are Hook and David. I think Gold left the ship, because I don't hear him in this argument. Emma is attempting to get them to pull themselves together.

Maybe I should go up there and help.... no I can't. If I leave they'll find out about me... I cannot do that, because then they will make me stay on the ship, while they go save Henry.

"Emma!" I hear David yell above deck. What just happened?

"Where did she go?" Mary Margaret yells above the storm.

"Overboard!" Hook exclaims, "we have to save her now!"

"Fine, I'll do this myself." David yells.

"You can't do this by yourself, we have to work together mate!" Hook yells back, man this storm really is loud. It goes quiet for about a minute or two, then I hear Emma's voice again. Everyone's okay. I sigh in relief.

"The storm cleared!" Mary Margaret exclaims, that's so weird, no storm clears that quickly.

"Great let's get ashore this horrible island." Hook commands everyone. I feel the ship turn suddenly and I grab into one of the beams above my head again.

"So what is your plan exactly Emma?" I hear Regina snap at her above deck. "What was your plan to get Henry back?"

"Well, umm I'm not really quite sure yet..." she starts to answer but Regina cuts her off.

"Gold was right!" Regina scoffs at Emma, "you need to be told what to do! You cannot do anything for yourself can you?!"

"Regina!" Mary Margaret exclaims, "she trying."

"No mom, she's right." Emma agrees with Regina for once. "I need to stop asking for help and learn how to do these things on my own."

"There we go!" Regina happily exclaims, "now we are making some progress! Remember what Gold said, this isn't child play anymore."

"I know," Emma sighs. "We are here, we better get ashore, then make a plan."

"I'll be right back." I hear Hook say, I hear the stairs leading down to here creaking. The hatch is lifted and I look up.

"Arrived so quickly?" I ask him looking up.

"Very funny." He fakes a smile. "Look we are ashore. Whatever your plan was you might want to hurry with it."

"Can you just leave me here?" I ask him, "I will catch up with you guys by tonight, I promise I will find everyone. I just need to check out my surroundings first."

"Okay..." he says, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. He quietly lowers the hatch and head back onto the deck.

"Ready to go Hook?" I hear Emma ask him.

"Yup, just needed to..." he hesitates, "I just needed to see how my ship fared through the whole storm and portal thing."

"Okay." Emma responds, "let's go save Henry."

I wait around five minutes before I follow them. I climb out of my hiding spot and go upstairs onto the deck. I look around, and see jungle everywhere.

"Whoa!" I exclaim, looking around at the jungle. "It's so cool here!" Part of me wants to stay here and play on the ship, but the other half knows that I'm twelve and shouldn't do that. That I need to focus on the goal ahead. I shift my backpack around on my back, then walk off the ship, heading into the heart of the jungle.

Authors note: Hello again! It's me... so the other day I decided to write a Captain Swan fanfic, so I started writing it. I'm going to continue this fanfic for sure, but if you want to go check it out its called The Day Everything Changed. It's a modern day Captain Swan fanfic placed in New York. Umm, yeah that's about it. Please continue to read, enjoy and vote for my story, oh! And don't forget to stay awesome!!!
-Zoey :)

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