Chapter 42

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Their leaving without me. That's all I can think about. Their leaving in 3 hours. Who knows if they'll ever come back. What if they never return? I need to go with them. I pull the IV out of my arm, and sit up. I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines. I want to help find Henry. I walk over to the window and climb out. Luckily this hospital is only one story. Except for the basement/mental asylum.... I quickly run home, trying to avoid being noticed. I look around the loft. Where is everyone? Their probably just at Mr. Gold's shop, or something. That gives me plenty of time to get ready and sneak aboard the ship they are going to use.

I quickly change and throw supplies in my backpack. I run back downstairs. I shove some food into my bag too, who knows how long this will take. I walk over to the front door and grab my jacket. I slide it on, then look down at my skateboard. I begin to reach down for it, then hesitate, I probably won't need it there.

"I will come back." I say to the empty room, as I close the door and lock it behind me. I glance down at my arm and remember it's still in a cast from the crash.... shouldn't complicate things to badly. Right?

I head down for the docks, and see that they haven't left yet. I see Captain Hook, and hesitate. Will he let me sneak onboard without anyone else knowing? I guess there is only one way to tell. I walk over to the ship, and go up the gang plank.

"What are you doing?" He asks, turning towards me, "I thought we weren't leaving for a little while longer... where is everyone else?"

"Ummm, yeah look." I hesitate, "I want really supposed to come, cause I was just in a car crash... but I want to help."

"So your what?" He asks me. "Sneaking aboard?"

"Well, somewhat." I begin to explain, "I was sort of hoping that the ship would be empty, when I showed up... I guess that kinda ruins my plans..."

"Well you can come aboard I suppose." He replies, "I'm not sure if there are really any good places to hide on here. That's coming from me, who knows this ship like the back of my, well hook."

"So you won't tell the others?" I ask him, shouldering my backpack.

"No, but if they find out... don't blame me okay?" He asks me.

"Okay, thank you...." I hesitate.

"Captain Hook." He smiles, "if you follow me I can show you where I once his someone from lost boys."

"Who?" I ask him, following him below deck.

"Baelfire." Hook informs me, "the crocodiles son."

"Oh, wait Mr. Gold has a son?" I ask, I didn't know that.

"Yeah, remember when Neal was here?" He asks me, he stops walking.

"Oh, that was him?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he replies. "Here, climb down here." He lifts up a hatch and I see a below decks below decks.... confusing. I climb down and get comfortable, because it's a small space. "So you have food with you?"

"Yeah." I hold up my bag, "thanks for letting me stow away on your ship."

"Your welcome lass," he replies. "But if it starts to flood down here... get out from below decks it may not be safe for you."

"Okay thanks." I thank him again as he closes the hatch and I'm engulfed in darkness. I'm not afraid of the dark or anything. Just the things hiding in it. I shake my head, if this is the only way to help them save Henry, then I will do it. I glance at my broken arm again, and nothing is going to stop me from saving him.

Authors note: Hello!!!! I've decided to make a few changes. And by a few I mean one... I'm changing the times I update my story. It'll probably be instead of every day I'll be updating my book every other day. Oh and one more thing. Happy birthday to Zelena. If you guys have seen Our Decay, then you know that the Wicked Witch of the West's Birthday is today!!! Sorry I'm weird.... :P please continue to enjoy and read and comment any suggestions... or something.
-Zoey :D

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