Chapter 38

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After the Mad Hatter leaves, I wander around the forest, or large garden I guess. I should probably find somewhere to live right? If I'm going to be here as long as everyone says I am, I'm going to need a house, or something. I glance around and decide on one direction and head that way. Once I find a place to stay I will find a way home. I will beat the odds, and go the distance. I will get home soon, and nothing will stop me-. I bump into something, or someone and knock us both to the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry." I stand up and brush myself off. "I didn't mean to bump into you."

"It's fine." I look around me and see only a white rabbit. Who's talking to me, animals can't talk. Right? But the Rabbit is the only thing around.

"Excuse me but are you a talking rabbit?" I ask him, offering my hand to help him up.

"Yes, the name is White Rabbit." He takes my hand and stands up. Then he shakes my hand. "I'm sorry for bumping into you."

"Oh no it was my fault." I take the blame, it was my fault. "I was distracted by my thoughts."

"So was I." He informs me, "I'm looking for someone, you see."

"Oh, maybe just can help." I offer my assistant, "I'm new here. But I can find a way to help you out."

"I'm looking for someone by the name of Alice." He informs me, "you wouldn't happen to know anyone by that name would you?"

"Well, Mr. Rabbit, as it turns out, my name is Alice." I inform him, "pleasure to meet you."

"Oh, your Miss Alice." He replies, "the Queen has something for you."

"Oh no," I say under my breath.

"It's nothing bad," he informs me. "It's your new house. Just down that path." He points to a path, "you'll know it when you see it."

"Thank you Mr. Rabbit." He nods and I start to head down the path. I may not be home, but at least I know I'll have somewhere to stay.

I follow the path down to a house. It looks pretty. It is painted in pastel colors and looks like it's the perfect size for me to live in. I walk through the front door. There are several different rooms.

In the first room I would say is sort of like a parlour room, it has two long chairs and a bookshelf full of books. I walk into the second room and see a kitchen, perfect for cooking and it's already stocked with food. I walk into the third room and see a bed along with a wardrobe, I open it. It is full of dresses that look the same as mine. The dresses are blue, matching the one I came here wearing. How did she make this if I just showed up here today? This is soooo weird, seeing as how I just came here from the queens court. How is this possible??

I quietly go into the fourth room, slightly suspicious about what I might find. I just see a bathroom, so I walk back into the parlour room sort of thing. I'm not really sure what you would call it. Back in England, we didn't have anything like this. In a normal parlour room there would just be chairs, but here there are long chairs... I think. At least I know there are plenty of books to read.

I walk over to the bookshelf and pick a random book out of the bookshelf. I glance at it. It is a green book, with vines wrapped all over it. I look at the front cover which says, Plants Of Wonderland, in fancy letters. Maybe this will help me understand this strange world a bit more. I sit down on one of the long chairs. Maybe they are couches? I've heard of these, but only the richest people in England could own one of these. The couch I sit on is a pastel blue, the other couch is a pastel green color. Maybe this new world won't be so terrible.

Unforgettable Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora