Chapter 13

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"You had a talk with the Mayor?!" Mary Margaret asks me when we get home. "I thought you promised me that you would stop getting in trouble. You know I don't really think this is a step forward-"

"I know, I know okay." I explain, "she just wanted me to stop spreading rumors and 'influencing Henry' as she put it. But that's not true it was originally his idea."

"What was?" She asks me.

"You know, the who fairytale thing." I answer, "Henry must've said something about it to you."

"He has," Mary Margaret answers with a sigh.

"I'm sorry. Again," I reply, "speaking of issues with the mayor, where's Emma?"

"She's umm busy I guess." Mary Margaret replies, "it's hard work, you know. She's both the sheriff and she's running against Regina for mayor."

"Wait she's the sheriff?" I ask, what happened to Sheriff Graham?!

"Yeah," Mary Margaret answers. "There was an accident, he had a heart attack or something... She's taken over since."

"Bummer," I reply. This is proof, maybe he remembered who he was. According to Henry he's the huntsman who tried to kill Snow White. Maybe he remembered and so Regina had him killed... I doubt it though.

"Do you have any homework?" Mary Margaret asks me, attempting to change the subject.

"No," I reply. "What's for dinner?"

"I'm not sure yet..." She replies.

"Okay, while you think of something can I go to a friend's house?" I ask, "I need to ask them a question."

"Sure, I guess." She answers after glancing at her watch. "Please be back in about an hour please."

"Thanks," I say with a smile, grabbing my backpack and skateboard. I open the door and go outside.

I walk down the stairs to outside, and look around. Where is everyone? The town seems almost empty. Strange. I set my skateboard on the ground and hop on skating to Bree's house.

When I get there I jump off my skateboard and brush myself off. I hesitate before knocking but after a couple seconds I knock.

"Who is it?" A voice from inside asks me.

"Hi I'm Claire, I go to school with Bree..." I reply.

"Oh umm she's not home right now." The voice from inside replies.

"Oh okay I guess I'll be back later..." I reply sadly, then I set my skateboard back on the ground.

I decide not to go straight home, instead I skateboard around town. I attempt to get my mind off everything but nothing can get my mind off things. I eventually give up and head home. On my way I accidentally bump into another person, I really have to stop being so clumsy.

"Sorry," I say, brushing myself off. I stand up. "Who are you?"

"Oh I'm Jefferson," he answers. "But I've heard you don't believe that right?"

"Yeah. Who are you really?" I ask him.

"Mad Hatter." He answers plainly.

"Cool, I'm Alice." I answer, "or at least I was until the curse. How do you remember?"

"This is how I was cursed I guess... it's not good, trust me." He explains, I glance down at my watch.

"Sorry I have to go." I say waving, "nice meeting you."

"Same." He answers, as I hop back into my skateboard and skate away.

When I get back inside I see Mary Margaret cooking dinner. I sit down on the couch quietly trying not to disturb her. How does the Mad Hatter have his memory? I wish I could remember, what happened before I got here. A few minutes later Emma storms in.

"Hey Emma I was wondering where you where-" Mary Margaret starts but then Emma cuts her off.

"Look I know I said I'd stay but," Emma starts. "I'm leaving, I'm sorry."

"Why?" I ask, standing up.

"I just need to okay?" She answers as Henry runs in. "Henry what are you doing here-"

"You can't go!" Henry tells her, "you haven't broken the curse yet!" He glances over at the counter and notices a container Emma set on it. "Where did you get this from?"

"Your mom, why?" Emma asks him.

"You can't eat it! It's made from poison apples." Henry explains, "please don't Emma."

"Look kid, it's fine." Emma replies trying to reassure him.

"No it's not. Watch." He runs over to the counter and takes a bite from it. After a couple seconds he falls over onto the ground, dropping the pple fritter.

"Henry!" I half yell, and I glance at Emma and Mary Margaret. "Please do something! Why didn't you guys believe him!?"

Authors note: Sorry I forgot to update yesterday. I was really busy.

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