Chapter 37

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I've been sitting here listening for what feels like over an hour. When I check the time it's only been 30 minutes. I sigh, this is so boring! Maybe I'm wrong... I take out my headphones and turn off my phone. I stand up and open my door and head downstairs. I see everyone sitting around the counter talking. Henry is here again, I thought he was supposed to be with Regina.

"Hey Henry." I wave to him and sit down on a stool next to him.

"Hey Claire." He replies.

"What's going on?" I ask them, interrupting their conversation.

"What do you mean?" Emma asks casually.

"Well no offense Henry or anything but," I hesitate before I continue. "Why is Henry here? Aren't you supposed to be with Regina?"

"Claire!" Mary Margaret gasps at me.

"What?! I'm just curious." I reply defensively.

"Regina has gone missing." David informs me, ignoring Mary Margaret's glare. Her glare tells me it's something she doesn't want me to know about.

"Missing?" I ask them and they nod. "Did she leave town or something?"

"No, she would've taken me with her." Henry informs me, "at least that's what I think. Not that I would've come with her any way." We are both the same age, 12, if I was in his shoes about this whole thing, I would have made a similar choice. If Regina asked him, I would've hoped he would chose to stay. He is my closest friend in this whole town I think.

"Are you guys gonna find her?" I ask them.

"Of course." Emma reassures me, "she may have disappeared but something else important is gone to?"

"What?" I ask her.

"The magic beans we were going to use to get home." David informs me, "she stole them from us. We think she may have wanted to leave without Henry. But when we checked her office for where she was, we found a container used to hold them. They were gone."

"So does that mean we won't get to go home soon?" I ask, if that's what's keeping us from getting home...

"I hate to say it, but yeah." My heart skips a beat. I haven't been home for years, and I was soon close to getting home. Everyone else has been gone to, but I wasn't home even before the curse. I was stuck in Wonderland, then the Enchanted Forest, and now here. This horrible town, where we can't leave without losing our memory or the occasional loss of our life. I don't think that's every happened yet, just really bad car accidents. I remember how Emma found Ashley Boyd in a car crash... this town just has crazy written all over it.

"Great," I say sort of under my breath.

"Sorry kid," Emma pats my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. "I've heard how long you've been away from your actual home."

"Its fine." I lie, "someday we'll all make it home. Besides we didn't have ice cream back where I'm from. And I don't think home exists anymore, it's now modern day England."

"Oh." Emma replies, "oh yeah! I remember your story now." I nod, then decide to just listen to their plan.

"Who do you think did it?" I ask them, ignoring my previous plan.

"I'm not sure-" Mary Margaret starts but Emma interrupts her.

"It was Tamara." Emma confidently informs me. "I know it. Ever since she came her I knew something was up. Every time she's around my super power tells me something is off." Right her 'super power'. It's not that I don't believe her about it, it's just weird. She has magic and can detect lies? Highly unlikely, but I can go with it. I guess.

"Emma!" Mary Margaret exclaims, "you sure you aren't just letting your jealousy show?"

"Jealousy? That she's Neal's fiancee?" Emma asks her, "trust me I'm over him. C'mon Henry wanna go get some hot cocoa from Granny's?"

"Sure!" He stands up and walks over and grabs his jacket. He waves goodbye, then he and Emma walk out of the loft.

"You guys will find her and the beans right?" I ask David and Mary Margaret.

"We will try." David informs me, "I think I know someone who can help us find Regina. Come on."

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