Chapter 15

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When I get home I go upstairs and grab a bag. I throw most of my stuff into it then close it. I'm about to grab a piece of paper to write a note to Mary Margaret, when the door opens.

"Claire? Are you in here?" Mary Margaret asks me from downstairs.

"Yeah." I answer as I leave my room and go downstairs. When I get down there I see Mary Margaret, David, Emma and Henry standing in the kitchen. "Hi."

"Look, I know what your thinking..." Mary Margaret starts, "and no you don't have to leave."

"Really? Cause I can if need be." I reply, "I'm sure there's someone in town from Wonderland..."

"No it really is okay." Mary Margaret replies, which is a relief because I really don't think anyone's here from Wonderland.

"Cool, thanks." I thank her, "did you guys catch up to Regina?"

"Yeah," Emma replies. "She was in the mayor's office, so we put her in a jail cell to keep her safe. She wasn't very liked in the Enchanted Forest apparently. And after she enacted the curse, they hate her twice as much."

"But you guys will give her a second chance, right?" Henry asks.

"We'll see." David answers, "if she truly wants to change then yeah, but we can never know for sure."

"I'm gonna go look for someone." I tell them, "their an old friend."

"Okay, see you later." They all reply.

I walk out the door, leaving my skateboard inside. I try to remember if I've seen Belle during my entire time in this town. After a few seconds of attempting to remember, I realize she is probably the only person I haven't seen here. She did say something about knowing Rumplestiltskin right? I'll try his shop I guess.

When I get to his shop I see Belle standing inside talking with him. I shove open the door and run inside.

"Belle!" I exclaim when I get inside.

"Alice, right?" Belle asks me.

"Yeah, but here my name is Claire." I inform her.

"Cool, I don't really have a name from here," Belle explains to me. "I was kinda locked in the asylum my entire time here."

"Yeah," Gold cuts in. "Belle I have to go."

"Promise me something. Please." Belle asks him.

"What?" Gold asks.

"Promise you won't go get revenge on Regina. Please, I don't care what she's done." Belle asks.

"Fine, okay I promise I won't." Gold replies, then he walks out the door.

"So you've just been hidden in where? The entire time?" I ask Belle.

"The asylum," Belle nonchalantly informs me. "I just hope Rumple doesn't go and get his revenge." Suddenly I get an idea.

"I have to go, sorry Belle. See you around town k?" I ask her.

"Okay, see you around." Belle replies and then I leave the shop.

I look around to see what direction Mr. Gold went in. I look towards the sheriff's office and see him just outside. I quickly run over there, staying just far away enough so that I'm not seen. I wait for him to go inside, then a few minutes later I follow him inside. I get inside and hide in Emma's office and watch as Gold goes up to the cell Regina's in. He grabs her hand and presses something into it, I hear a noise that sounds like something is being singed. I suck behind Emma's desk again and watch as Mr. Gold walks out of the sheriff's office. After he's gone I walk out from Emma's office over to Regina.

"What was that?" I ask her.

"Not anything good I can tell you that." Regina answers cringing, I glance down and see she's still holding her hand. "all I know is that I most likely have few hours until whatever he sent to kill me comes and kills me and anyone in its way..."

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