Chapter 23

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Storybrook (One Week Later)

Henry and I hurry back home, hoping they have news. We get back to see David and Regina talking.

"-you can't just let him do that it's not safe!" Regina yells at David.

"It should be his choice. Trust me if I found it unsafe I would tell him no." David replies.

"I'm his mother!" Regina tells him, "and I say it's not safe."

"We need to try something." David informs her.

"He is getting hurt." Regina informs him, "maybe if he was okay after, but not if he gets hurt."

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask informing them of our presence.

"We have found a way to contact them." Regina explains, "it's complicated."

"You know how I was out under a sleeping curse?" Henry asks me, and I nod. "Well when that happens you travel to this room and stay there until you wake up. This room doesn't have any windows or doors, but it has curtains which are on fire. The whole room is on fire. If you fall into a deep sleep, you go back into it. I went in there last night and saw someone who told me her name was Aurora. She said she knows Mary Margaret and Emma. But this happened when I woke up." He rolls up his sleeve and shows me a burn.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah I'll be okay." He replies, "but it was a way to communicate with them."

"I think I have an idea to communicate to them." David says and looks at Regina. "Without Henry going back in. It will require help from Gold though."

"Tell me on the way." Regina says grabbing her jacket. They walk out and Henry and I follow, curious about what it is.

We get to the pawn shop and David and Regina go into the back of the shop with Mr. Gold. We walk around the shop looking at the stuff. I never noticed how many cool things there were in here.

"You want to know what I find weird?" I ask Henry.

"What?" He asks me.

"Everyone at school knows who I am." I tell him, "but they all thought I was supposed to be older... it's just strange."

"They really think that?" Henry asks, "I found it weird, your story wasn't in my book. It had been torn out in some way..."

"How could you tell?" I ask him.

"I'm not really sure..." he informs me. "I just felt it I guess."

"Wanna see what they're doing back there?" I ask him mischievous.

"Yeah." He agrees as we run into the back off the shop. We see Regina and Mr. Gold standing over David who's laying down on a bed.

"What'd you do to him?!" I half yell at them. "First Mary Margaret left and now David's what? Dead?"

"Its not what it looks like." Regina informs me attempting to reassure me.

"Then what happened?" I ask her.

"David's idea was to put himself under a sleeping curse." Regina informs me, "he didn't want Henry to get hurt..."

"Can't he not wake up without true loves kiss?" I ask her, "what if Mary Margaret never comes back?"

"I'm not sure okay!?" Regina exclaims, then sighs. "Look why don't you two go to Granny's and get something to eat. Mr. Gold and I need to make a plan for when Emma and Mary Margaret get back." She hands Henry money.

"Okay." We both reply in unison, exiting the shop.

"Do you really think their going to do it?" I ask him as we're walking to Granny's.

"Do what?" He asks me.

"Help save Emma and Mary Margaret." I reply, "Mr. Gold and Regina used to be the Evil Queen and Rumplestiltskin in my world... you may have a good experience with Regina but I certainly don't."

"I believe in her." Henry says with a smile, "I know she can be good. Just give her a chance, please, for me."

"Okay..." I reply not 100% trusting. Right when I say this we get to Granny's.

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