Chapter 35

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What can I do now that I found out the truth about Greg/Owen. Should I tell someone or just follow him and Tamara to make sure I'm right? Well if I tell someone and I'm wrong... that's spreading a rumor. Right? So I guess I'll just go with the second option. I'll follow them around town and make sure.


The guards led me through a maze. I tried to remember the way I came, but there were just too many turns. One of the guards accidentally bumped into a wall and I think the wall are him, but I'm not sure. This place is weird. We entered an opening and I was led into a courtyard. I look around and everyone seems to be wearing masks, but why? They aren't normal masks either, if normal even exists in wherever I am. The masks are red and black with holes for eyes to see through. Other than that, I can't see any of the people's faces. My eyes go to the front of the crowd, where I see another person. She's still wearing a weird mask, but she sits on a throne with a crown on her head. She must be royalty, right? She leans over and talks to the person next to her who faces me.

"Who are you?" He asks me.

"A lot of people have been asking me that lately." I inform him, "I am Alice."

"Alice." He repeats, "just Alice?"

"Yes. Just Alice." I inform him.

"Well Just Alice, do you know where you are?" He asks me, keeping the just in front of my name, which I find weird.

"Umm I'm not really sure... sorry." He leans back over to the Queen.

"You are in Wonderland." He informs me, "in the royal court of Her Majesty the Queen of Hearts." I think I'm supposed to curtsy at this point. I curtsy, then stand back up.

"Sorry Your Majesty I'm new here. I-" she holds up her hand and cuts me off. She waves away all of the members of the court. After they leave, she takes off her mask.

"Where are you from Alice?" She asks me.

"England, Your Highness." I inform her.

"How did you get here?"

"I fell down a rabbit hole."

"A rabbit hole." She asks with question in her voice.

"Yes, I fell down and woke up in a hole, then I walked through a mirror and arrived here." I explain.

"A mirror?" She asks her self, I'm about to confirm it when she talks again. "Well, good luck then."

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Well a mirror, or looking glass, is the only way you can get home." I must look like I don't understand still because she sighs. "The only way you can get home to your loved ones, is the same way you came. Now unless you have a mirror right now, I suggest you get on your way to find them." I start to turn around, discouraged when she says something else. "Don't worry at least time runs differently here." What she means by that I'm not sure, but I will get out of here.


"Stop following me!" Greg tells me, when he turns around.

"I'm not..." I lie, hopefully he takes that and believes it's the truth.

"What do you just happen to be going to the same place as me?" He asks and I nod.


"Where am I going then?" He asks me and I'm stumped. When he sees this he starts to laugh. "Now, as I said earlier leave me alone."

"Fine," I turn around, pulling out my phone and make it so that as long as his phone's turned on, I can hear him.

I quickly walk away, hoping my trick isn't obvious. I've only read about how to do that in books and online. I'm shocked it actually worked. I grab my skateboard from the alley where I hid it and ride home.

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