Chapter 2

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I got home and went upstairs to my room not bothering to say hi to anyone. I step into my room and sit on my bed pulling out the list Henry gave me. He's pretty creative with it I'll give him that. I hear a knock and quickly shove the paper into my pocket.
"Come in." I say to whoever is outside the door.
"How was school today?" My current foster mom, Mary Margaret or Snow White according to Henry would say, walks in.
"It was fine." I reply, "boring as usual but that can't be changed I guess."
"Any plans for the weekend?" She asks me.
"Nope." I say, "besides chilling."
"Okay, good to know." She says, suddenly the phone rings. "I better go get that. Remember if you need anything just let me know."
"Okay." I say as she leaves shutting the door behind her.
I pull back out the list and realize something. That Henry's weird list actually makes sense. I think he may be onto something. I look at the blank names on the list and try to think about who to fill them in with. I wonder where Henry got this idea from. I'll have to ask him when I see him next. Maybe he will have my name to add too.
I head to school but barely make it into my first period class before I here ring!
"Okay class," my teacher starts. "Open your books to page 170."
Then I turn to that place in my book and stop listening to her. I direct my focus to the list again. Before I know it the bell rings again. I pick up my book off my desk and shove it into my bag heading out the door. Suddenly someone stops me at the door.
"What's that?" They ask me, reaching for the list.
"Nothing." I say shoving it into my pocket. "Go away Jacin."
"What was on the paper?" He asks me again.
"It's none of your business." I say, but he grabs it quickly and takes it from my hand.
"Really?" He asks me while he's laughing and reading it. "Do you seriously think that everyone in this town is from a fairytale? That's so ridiculous. Who told you that your imaginary friend? Oh wait even you don't have one your so unpopular."
"Shut up," I tell him. Then I clench my fingers into a fist.
"What are you gonna do? Punch me?" He sarcastically asks, then I punch him. Suddenly our principle arrives out of nowhere and pulls us apart before we can keep fighting.
"I was just standing there and she runs up and punches me." Jacin says acting innocently.
"That's not true." I complain, "he took something of mine and he wouldn't give it back."
"So you punched him?" My principle asks me.
"Yeah but..." I start but realize my excuses will do nothing. Jacin is the principles son, and right now, I'm the bad guy.
"Sorry I was in the middle of class." Mary Margaret says running in, "what happened?" She looks at me.
"Claire got into a fight today." The principle informs her. "I'm sorry but she's going to have to be suspended for at minimum 2 days."
"Great..." I mumble under my breath.
"Bye Claire." Jacin sneers as I walk out the door, grabbing the paper back from him as I go.
"Look I know I shouldn't have done that." I say to Mary Margaret as we walk down the hallway. "But you didn't get to hear the whole story."
"Then what is the whole story?" She asks me.
"Well yesterday on my way home I ran into Henry. Literally," I begin to explain. "He told me that everyone here is a fairytale character."
"Yeah he's been talking about that lately." She replies, "do you believe him?"
"No, but he gave me a list of 'evidence' as he put it for me to look over." I explain.
"Is that what he took from you?" She asks me.
"Yeah and he was just being a jerk altogether." I reply, "I really am sorry though. Am I in trouble?"
"No, but please don't let there be a next time." Mary Margaret replies. "Deal?"
"Okay," I say then sigh. "Deal."

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