Chapter 19: Away From You

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It's been so long!!!! OMG I missed you guys~~~❤️❤️❤️

I was super duper busy with college and work and life in general. To be honest, I wasn't really inspired to continue writing this book. Every once in a while I would come back into Wattpad and see all of these comments and messages people sent me and I felt, as an author of a fan fiction who has a generous amount of readers, I had failed to take into responsibility of my works and what I chose to post online. I had made promises to continue this, and I have a duty of continuing this, but I took my busy life as an excuse to not keep this promise with hundreds of people. I am very very sorry about this, and I feel really ashamed. I promise to reflect on this mistake I made and I will not leave my readers to be disappointed by an author who didn't keep the promises she made with her readers.진짜 삶이 너무 힘들었고, 너무 많은 일들이 있었는데요. 그거는 제 개인적인 일들이었고, 저는 한 작가로서 여러분들을 실망 시켰습니다. 정말 죄송하고, 염치가 없습니다. 다시는 실망 시키지 않도록 주위하겠습니다.

Anyhow!  A lot has happened since the last chapter!

I have decided to also stop uploading to my second story, "Some", until I'm done with SL~ ☺️

Well and so many other things have happened but I bet you 1% of you are still reading my Authors message or note or whatever you want to call it.

Anyways, enough of my chatter!

Jong Suk's POV
Guilt is anger that we direct to ourselves. It's the weight that pulls you down and a way to have you crush yourself.

That was what I was doing.

After Yoonha had left me like that, she had sent no text or calls and hadn't even read the texts I sent her.

I made her misunderstand, I hurt her and I didn't even know I was doing that.

She deserved so much better than me and I realized that all my actions would have made anyone misunderstand my intentions.

I had promised not to hurt her again, I had promised that everything would be right this time. But I was wrong. Again.

I didn't want her to leave me again but I felt as if I wasn't good enough. If I tried to bring her back, would I just hurt her more? Was I just being selfish?

I didn't know what to do anymore

Yoonha's POV

I was hurt. I had ran to the nearest store and was in one of the bathroom stalls. I didn't know what to think. Was I just over reacting? Should I have given Jong Suk a chance?

But him seeing with someone, especially Min, had lead me to lose my trust. I had been hurt already.

I was like broken glass. Through the years without Jong Suk I had managed to tape myself back together but here I was back with him. I couldn't deny that I loved him. I still do love him, but what would I do if he drops me? By that time would I still have enough energy to put myself together again? Am I confident enough to carry out my life?

I just put my head into my knees, sitting there  numb. I was shocked, scared, confused and all of these emotions just hit me so hard I didn't even know exactly what I was thinking or feeling.

Maybe to some people I looked like an overreacting young girl who was to weak to stand up for herself.

Or maybe I was that girl.

All I could think now, was that I couldn't look at Jong Suk. I had to find somewhere to be where I could get myself back together.

I wiped the tears away from my face, got out of the stall and washed my face.

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