Username: Clingy, Password: Clingier

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17. Username: Clingy, Password: Clingier

"We can't just leave her her." Stiles protested.

"You don't have a choice." Peter told us.

"We're not going to let her die." I looked at her unconscious and bloody body, trying to ignore the blood.

"Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get." Peter sighed.

As tears formed in my eyes, I called Jackson. Stiles had given me his number. "J-Jackson, he bit Lydia. Come to the lacrosse field." I hung up the phone. I had tried to put on a brave face the entire time we were dealing with Peter, but I was terrified.

"Okay, now that that's over with, we can locate my lost nephew." Peter sighed, walking towards Stiles' Jeep. Peter sat beside Stiles, making himself comfortable in the passenger seat. I didn't like Peter being so close to Stiles.

"I can smell the defensiveness, Summer. If you so much as move, I'll cut his throat." Peter threatened. I heard Stiles' heart pounding in his chest. Keeping an eye on Peter, I moved over so that I was sitting behind Stiles' seat. I gently placed my hands on his shoulders, attempting to provide a little comfort.

"Visiting hours are over." Peter said after a few minutes. "Back to your cell, inmate." I moved back to my seat, worrying about what was to come. There was total silence apart from the pounding of two hearts.

"Don't feel too bad. If she lives, she will be incredibly powerful." Peter broke the silence.

"Yeah, and once every month, she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to kill everyone!" Stiles growled.

"Actually, considering she's a woman, twice a month." Peter remarked.

"You're sick." I told him.

"Not anymore. I got better." Peter replied. "Pull in here." Peter pointed to an underground parking lot. We parked and all got out of the Jeep.

"Who's car is this?" Stiles asked as Peter unlocked a silver car in the parking lot.

"It belonged to my nurse." He answered. I shivered, remembering how he dug his claws into his nurse's unconscious body.

"Oh my god!" Stiles gasped as the trunk of the car opened, revealing Jennifer's lifeless body.

"Like I said, I got better." Peter shrugged. He then pulled out a briefcase and opened it, revealing a laptop, which had Scott's scent all over it.

"Good luck getting signal down here." Stiles commented as Peter opened the laptop. "Oh, MiFi. You're a Mac guy. Does that go for all werewolves, or is that just a personal preference?" Stiles asked. Shut up, Stiles. You're going to get us killed, I mentally told him, sighing.

"Turn it on, get connected." Peter commanded, ignoring Stiles' comment.

"You need Scott's username and password." Stiles sighed. "Sorry, but I don't know them."

"You know both of them." Peter disagreed.

"No, I don't." Stiles frowned.

"I don't either." I announced.

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, Stiles, I would still be able to tell that you're lying." Peter let out a long and irritated sigh.

"Dude, I swear to g-"

"I can be very persuasive, Stiles. Don't make me persuade you." Peter threatened, interrupting Stiles. He put his claws against my neck, raising his eyebrow at Stiles. Stiles' eyes widened, but he approached Scott's laptop.

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