{Special Chapter • 2}

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Alternative Ending {Special Chapter • 2}

"Harry are you okay?" Niall asked as Harry remained expressionless as he sat on the tour bus couch, staring at nothing but the pavements down below.

Harry was in state of depression and he was drained out from his pleadings to fly back to UK to the management.

His heart still ached at the memory just a month ago on how he held his bags of suitcase in one hand and Ariana's unresponsive one with the other.

He remember that day like it was just a fresh reminiscence when he continue to give light pecks on the back of her palm, each tear from his eyes that day soaking her hand quickly.

He prayed. He prayed that she would suddenly jerk awake from his touch. He prayed that she would at least move her fingers slightly as he begs for her to wake up. But when he stepped on the plane on the way to America with no news from Gemma about Ariana waking, it broke him.

"Harry you can't continue to mope around here and feel sorry for yourself. It's been a month and she's still alive," Niall attempted to break Harry's shell, but he only tuned Niall out again as he continued to explain that you only live once and Ariana will be okay speech.

But how can Niall make sense that Ariana was fine? It has been a month since they left and she still remains lifeless, Harry thought to himself.

Turns out after the tour had already started, Anne notified Harry that Ariana was in a coma, but he was more shock when his mum revealed that her lung tore and her situation was very crucial.

Even though she remains in a coma, she is still staying strong, but each day that she received the same news from Gemma that she made no act into showing her condition was getting better he slowly was losing hope.

"Harry? Are you even listening to me?" Niall hissed at his friend from the lack of attention he was receiving after the long speech.

Niall being pissed at the moment was an understatement. He was angry that his friend was throwing out his life for this one girl. The girl that he has only known for only 6 months of his life.

Don't mistake him, Niall feels sorry that she had to go through such a terrible event, but he believes that Harry was overreacting at the whole situation.

She was fine and she was okay, but Harry still continues to sulk everywhere attracting different kinds of unwanted attention.

But of course the Irish didn't understand what he was feeling because he had never fallen in love before. He never felt such pull on a girl like what Harry felt with Ariana.

Yes, it was true. Harry is in love with Ariana. In the beginning he never really considered all the strange feelings he felt towards Ariana, he only pushed it away. But now, he was positive. He missed her laughs, her determination and her strength.

Who knew that you will end up loving someone when in the beginning you hated them from the first sight?

"Niall why the hell are you shouting this late?" Liam groaned as he stepped in the scene.

Niall looked at Harry for some kind of reaction, but he just continues looking at the window acting as if no one existed around him.

Shaking his head at his friend's ignorance, he stood up and walked over to Liam who still didn't receive any answer.

"He's impossible Liam!" Niall hisses obviously defeated yet again from the lack of collaboration Harry was putting.

"It has been one month in tour and he still remains like that," Niall hissed as he motioned towards the brooding Harry who pretended to not hear a single word, but he did.

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