Mr. Styles

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Chapter 7: Mr. Styles


Harry's Pov:

Louis' sudden eruption got to me good and I just needed to think things over. After 15 minutes of arguing with myself, I finally decided to go to the nearby club that was just two blocks away from here. I wasn't planning to drink; I just needed to evaluate what had happened to my life.


I shut the door closed and fixed my hair, as some uneven curls rolled on my face. I was at the two oversized doors greeted by a muscular bald lad wearing a plain black t-shirt tucked inside black dress pants and leather belt.

I proved him my ID as he began eyeing me suspiciously. He led me in, giving me a long glare and continued on to the other people who waited impatiently in the line.

Staring down at the sole of my shoes, I silently made my way to the barstool hoping no one disrupts me from the quiet evening I planned on having.

The Skrillex version of "Whistle" started blaring through the speakers and I observed as girls viciously drudged on people and couples sharing saliva at the couches. I turned my back on the sight, quite disturbed by it. A bartender came up to me, asking what I would like to have.

"Water's fine," I replied dully as she began leaning, in attempt to get my attention. She dropped a glass of ice-cold water in front of me, brushing her fingertips on mine adding a tricky wink to it and scurried away towards the drunk men that called.

I chugged down the water almost finishing half of it and started to think. Has it really come this far that Louis finally gave up on me?

The first one who gave up on me was Zayn. He tried for one month, but then we got into this huge clash over me using girls.

Back then, I would always wake up with a hangover, a girl unclothed beside me under the sheets. Even though I explained that they practically threw themselves at me, wanting no strings attached, he said it was still a merciless act, since some of the girls I slept with were virgins before. What first started as a harmless argument turned into a fight.

Niall was the second one who gave up, just a week after Zayn did. Niall had a girlfriend at that time and her name was Holly. Whenever she was with us lads, when Niall isn't looking, her hand would vaguely brush on my thighs adding a failed wink with it. Then one day, she was in my dressing room, her body partially clothed. She tried seducing me, but I didn't give in knowing she was Niall's and I respected him enough to not go behind his back.

Unfortunately, Niall just happened to go in, at the same time when she pressed me on the couch. He grabbed her off me and started screaming. Not at her, but me. He spat all the same things fans tweeted me when the picture of Taylor and I kissing in New Year's Eve was exposed to the public.

Next was Liam, just two months after the misunderstanding with Niall. Liam just suddenly stopped. There was no issue or whatsoever that I knew of, he just discontinued our connection.

Now Louis. Louis stayed with me for 6 months.

Gulping down the last of my water, I started to observe everything around me. Then there I saw a familiar petite red-head getting lifted up by a guy. I narrowed my eyes for a better view, thinking I was having another one of my hallucinations.

Isn't that Ariana?

The guy was a little suspicious but I overlooked it thinking that the guy came with her.

I spoke too soon. I positioned myself up the chair as the guy slyly enters a room at the very corner of the club with Ariana still in his arms.


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