Paulo Joseph

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Chapter 41: Paulo Joseph


Anne's Pov:

Physical pain makes you ache all throughout your body from the sting you receive from your skin. Emotional pain makes your heart twinge and sometimes makes your body numb at the feeling of your heart no longer pounding. However, the worst kind of pain is witnessing someone you care and love look so absent of hope. That's what I was seeing through Harry.

I have seen him at his best and at his downfalls but the prospect played after me is an atypical scene to watch especially from someone like Harry. In all through my life I have never seen Harry go through this kind of emotional collapse. And as a mother, it ached seeing your own child look so lifeless and you can't discover the terms to soothe him.

"She's g-gone," he stuttered, his lips quivering in the course.

I caressed his cheek as his wet tears transferred in to my palm.

I gave him a frail smile as tears spilled through mine. I might've not met this girl nor is known of her, but one thing I know that she amended my son's broken heart and I know that he loves her now more than he ever loved a person.

"No she's not," I whispered as I consoled him by lightly running my fingers down his cheek, wiping away the descended tears.

As I let out those words, something in him cracked as his eyes ignited with hope and I smiled at the image.

"She's a-alive?" He choked, gawking at me not believing my words.

Frantically shaking my head as an answer of yes, right now I would've projected him to dart towards the hospital and gripe the nurses to let him in to go see her but, only his shoulders deflated into a slump and his eyes averted mine - the stillness brought up in the air yet again.

I sighed looking at the inexpressive Harry that was now after me, staring up ahead at the emptiness. Harry has always been like this ever since he was a kid. Ever since what he had witnessed at the sight of what his father did to me one night that resulted to the divorce.

We never talked about nor brought him up ever again but the occurrence had a great shock on his child intellect and as of growing up. Now he always hid his emotions and I wish he didn't lock it away for only him to see.

He wiped his cheeks roughly, rubbing his eyelids brutally as it reddened from the stress.

"I wish she never came in my life." His tone cracked mid-sentence into a high pitch when he spoke.

I observed his movements as he began shaking his head, the fallen strands of his tresses following the action.

I looked at him in disbelief at his continuous care towards himself in the situation.

"Harry how could you be thinking about yourself in this?" I was enraged at the selfishness he is showing but more baffled as he remained in the car with me rather than running towards Ariana Gemini - as the doctor announced as her name - which was clear to be the one who had healed and now taken his heart.

His eyes dimmed as it bore in to mine and if looks could take life, I would've been in ashes blowing in separate ways of the direction towards the south.

"Don't you get it mum?" he exclaimed at me, raising both his hands from clear frustration. If I was a different mother and was placed in a dissimilar position, I would've been affected by his tone of voice and scolded him for the lack of respect towards me but right this minute I only wanted to know what he had to say.

"I broke her mum. I ruined her life. And I'm the reason why she's in the hospital," he spat angrily, each words adding spit on the air by the venomous hiss. However, it was clear that this shown anger was for him.

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