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Chapter 25: Please


Ariana's Pov:

Seconds turned into minutes and in those minutes we both shared stillness, while I stayed nestled on his chest - already comforted from my thwarting breakdown. It was bizarre. Not because of the fact that we both laid on the steps, but the action's Harry demonstrated today.

I never felt such care from someone that could be in the same level as Josh. And Harry is so close into towering it.

I felt a faint murmur on top of my head, and just as I was about to question what he had said an abrupt vibration on my back pocket made me jump, which resulted into my head accidentally hitting Harry's chin.

"Sorry," I flushed, embarrassed by my clumsy proceedings.

"It's fine," his gruff voice exhaled close to me. Close enough that I could smell the smoke that his mint failed to cover.

Shortly, my phone vibrated once again, a exasperating sigh escaped my mouth, but soon vanished as I peered at my screen the name Jenny flashing brilliant in bold letterings.

Hesitating in picking it up, nervous at the ear-splitting scream that will soon fill my ears, I pressed Accept and just before I could place the phone near my ear, I could already hear her yells that mumbled in the atmosphere, which shook me.

My trembling hand continues to slowly go up my ear, her voice getting louder by just centimeters nearing, not stopping her words.

I never really get nervous towards confrontation, but yelling was never my cup of tea. Before I could apprehend what she rages about, a hand grasped on mine snatching the phone away from my hand - her voice now ringing in Harry's ears.

"Who the fuck is this?" Harry sneered, his eyebrows frowned and his attitude rougher than how he had comforted me minutes ago.

While Harry continued to listen to Jenny, his structure keeping its figure staring in space, I began observing every movement he made. His words and the constant yelling from my phone disappeared from my ears, as I examined Harry responses.

It fascinated me how easily his mood changes, from being soft to anger. It actually kind of frightened me. The reason being is because when Harry is angry I know that he isn't aware of his actions, and the actions seemed to vanish in his mind. Most of all, it worries me that he has no memory of any occurrence after he has calmed down.

I watched Harry as his free hand clenched and unclenched, the wind blowing his curls, the thick vein in his neck becoming prominent as his jaw compressed, his lips moving for words, that I completely blocked from my head as he licked his bottom lip for moisture.

"Fuck you!" he screamed which snapped me away from my ogling.

Harry turned my phone off, still holding it as he gritted it tighter, the blue veins on his hand becoming broader.

Before I could speak my mind Harry rudely disrupts, "You're not working back to that place."


"Because I said so." His head turned harshly in my direction, his eyes filled pool of darkness, his breathing hitching - probably from the argument I seemed to black out from.

Who does he think he is? He does not own me. He doesn't have a right to order me. No one does.

All my life I've been told what to do and this is the part of my life where I have to think for myself.

"No," I spoke my voice more in a whisper, expecting a more dominant tone.

"What did you say?" he said, although he had a clear interpretation on what I said.

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