No One Knew

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Chapter 42: No One Knew


No one knew the truth on why Ariana is now placed in a hospital of nurses and doctors observing her stipulation and predicting when she'll soon wake up.

The girl that was now laying in the bed remains unaware of the walls she is caved in; even on the afternoon after the day she was brought in.

Some of the lads hardly had any close relationship towards this girl however; it seems as if this abrupt occurrence had brought all of them to be unlike their usual self.

Zayn hadn't been the same since that tragic event.
He wasn't able to sleep normally at the thought that Ariana's abuser remains lurking around the streets for his next victim. He had deemed the thought that she was robbed. Though, the boys antagonized this suggestion seeing that Ariana didn't posses much valuable belongings that would lead to this atrocious beating.

Zayn still queries why there was rope that positioned not far beside Ariana when they found her. He only thought of the most knowledgeable answer and concluded that it was one of the weapons used on Ariana when she got assaulted.

As for the rest of them; Niall and Liam were the ones bringing the helpful energy from everyone's depressing trances. They continue to reassure everyone that it will be okay, even though they aren't certain themselves.

Thinking it would be Louis' job to liven everyone with his flashback stories, his actions we're the complete opposite.

Louis cracked neither a smile or a joke at the hours they stayed at the hospital. He didn't know what to feel, whether sympathy towards Harry or anger none other than himself.

Ever since the beginning, he had thought of this girl to be like the rest. They were all pleasant in the beginning towards him and then would mercilessly break his remediated heart like the others.

Then he had to again witness Harry become a beast who would attempt to forget his broken heart with alcohol and cigarettes, which puts Louis to be the one trying to help his best mate.
That was one of the main reasons why Louis disliked this girl.

But knowing the truth from Harry the other day, he was shocked at the turn of events and the wrong impression he had been showing the girl for months now. He felt as if he betrayed Harry and was one of the reasons why she was placed here even when he didn't take part in it.
Harry had showed him the voicemail and his heart leaped from his chest and down to his stomach when he heard Ariana's acceptance into forgiving him from his wrong doings.

Perrie was better. She is able to communicate once again and not flinch when someone touched her. Although she can't bear to think what kind of heartless man would live in a world to do such a thing to someone. She is disgusted at the man and hope to console Zayn, but she couldn't since she had work herself.

Harry's soul is dead. This sight of Harry the boys witnessed is worst than they've seen him before.
Harry remained by her side, attempting to talk to her with tears trickling down his lifeless eyes. The shade of green everyone loved had turned darker as if the pupil dilated all out.

He clenched and unclenched both his fists imagining the girl he loves being pulled by the hair and beaten continually and it impaired him that he was nowhere near to help her.

And that's when this really opened everyone's eyes. Harry loves Ariana more than he has ever loved an object or a human being: More than he ever loved Sophia.

No one knew of Ariana's past childhood memories, her trust issues being the reason of.

No one knew that the rope was what she bought for herself to commit suicide.

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