October 17

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Chapter 21: October 17


Ariana's Pov:

"Harry what's wrong?" I asked as I began chasing him from behind. Just minutes before, I have seen a Harry that I haven't seen so often; he acted caring and as if it was his real self showing and slowly opening up, but now he has yet once again came back to the side that I met and grew on knowing.

Now I kept thinking, what happened? Did I do something wrong? Did I say the wrong things? It seemed like when we try to be close to one another something is stopping us from pursuing it.

Stopping my feet from further going on, I looked at Harry who calmly made his way to the driver's seat, shutting the car door lowly. I watched him through the tinted windshield as he stared back. I slowly made my way back to the car, seating next to him, in complete silence. I argued in my head if I should speak up, not wanting him to get angry.

In the only short amount of time I met Harry, I knew a lot about him. I knew that he was short-tempered and when he gets mad, he gets mad; like you see this monster inside of him wake up from their sleep and it fully replaces him.

On the crook of my eyes, I see him looking at me, as if he wanted me to look at him back saying something however I kept my silence and looked out the window. He sighed and started the ignition, driving back to our homes.


Not much was said during the car ride, both of us kept our words to ourselves but I continue to try and comprehend what happened back there, seeing if I had made a mistake in making him change his mood. All I remember was his frame of mind soon changes when he was holding my hand. Was my hand sweaty? Was it rough? Should I have talked more?

"Ariana if you're thinking you did something to be the reason of how I'm acting, you didn't do anything." I was shocked at how my questions now answered by Harry, was he reading my mind?

I nodded my head, still looking at the window, watching the side bottom of the car tires, watching the speed in fast motion but looking up to the surrounding, felling as if I was just taking a stroll on my bike by how slow it went by.

"I have just a lot in my mind. A lot of confusion." He says as he pauses at each sentence. I nodded perceptive and remained tacit. He sighed gloomily obviously not satisfied by my responses.

"Look Harry, you don't have to explain yourself. I'm fine." I free him from worry. In a little while, he had parked the car on the vacant driving space in front of his flat.

Readying myself from getting out, Harry was fast to lock the car doors, making my heart race nearer. He slowly lays a hand on my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine, his little touches, making me somewhat tenser. He slowly leans over, my face inches from his, his lips taking the whole picture of my focus.


My seatbelt unbuckles as he firmly removed it from me. I swallowed nothing, the feeling of my throat getting dry, nervous at what I thought he would do. How does he do this to me? I've never acted like this upon any boy, not even Josh.

"Ariana," Harry's raspy tone, whispers in just the little space we had. "I know you are confused right now but...." I sat solid at is words, not knowing how he'll finish his sentence.

"......I hope we could be friends." He finishes. Looking at him, eyeing his movement, I could tell that he was serious.

"Of course harry." I said in sincerity. He set back to his chair, a smile coming upon his saintly face, his fingertips clicking the button to unlock all the doors. I scrunched my eyebrows, in a form of asking him if he was okay and coming from his fine nod, I know he wasn't but, I decided to let it go.

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