I know

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Chapter 8: I know


Liam's Pov:

"..and then I walked out," Louis finished.

No words or sounds were let out on those couple of seconds. I closed my eyes trying to take in what Louis just revealed, and opened them again.

Standing up from where I seated, I started walking up to Louis giving him a comforting smile knowing how hard it must've been finally giving up on Harry.

The last five minutes, Louis gathered the boys and I explaining the exact events that happened at Harry's flat, when he was there.

We all knew that compared to us, Louis would pick Harry in a blink of an eye. We didn't mind. They have a close relationship no one can break. So close of a relationship that some fans had made them a name, which I think was Larry?

I felt sympathy for Louis. He doesn't deserve any of this at all.

All these months, he was so determined to get the old Harry back. You can see right through his eyes how it pained him finally letting him go. All months of picking up after Harry are now in the trash.

Now all the boys finally gave up and lost hope in Harry ever changing. Me too, I have also given up on Harry but I still didn't lose hope on him returning.

I never told Harry why I gave up on him. But it hurt me finding out from Zayn that at a meet and greet when a fan told Harry that I was irrelevant to the band, he just smiled and nodded as if he had agreed on what she said.

I know that I had no unique voice - as I do share the same tone as many artists out there -but being compared to the rest of the lads is enough for my sake and Harry agreeing to a fan's opinion about me not belonging, it broke me.

But I have forgiven him. To be honest, all of us has forgiven Harry. You just need to physically hear someone say they're sorry, so that you'll feel as if they actually cared about how you felt, you know?

I sat next to Louis and rubbed his back comfortingly as he stared down at is toes. The room still filled silence.

Niall sat on the long couch fiddling with his fingers, while Zayn sat next to him his hand formed into a ball of fist and placed under his chin, as if in thought.

"It's okay Louis," my voice remained soft, in a sign of comfort.

Niall stood up from his spot and made his way on the floor next to us in attempt to find Louis' face hiding from his hands.

"You did your best mate, don't feel bad," Niall added as he placed a hand on his thigh.

"He'll get by. Maybe not soon but he will," Zayn's tone echoed as he remained still to where he sat.

We all stood there the room quiet until someone came in the room followed by small giggles. A small smile crept on Louis' face, just after he lifted his head up, as a view of Eleanor's face came in the picture along with Danielle, both holding shopping bags on each arm.

"Louis!" Eleanor dropped her bags, which landed on Danielle's foot, and began running towards Louis. I watched Danielle hop on one foot while jumping in circles at the amount of weight of the bags and I bit down on my bottom lip trying to contain my laughter.

Louis stood up and raised his arms, readying himself for a huge hug and Eleanor leaps on his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist while planting tiny pecks on his nose.

Danielle laughed at the couple as she came closer and sat next to me, taking the seat where Louis sat just 10 seconds ago.

"Hey Liam," she perked while poking both my cheeks. I smiled at her and we both gave each other friendly embraces which lasted longer than what I anticipated.

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