Locked In

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Chapter 19: Locked In


Harry's Pov:

When Uncle Simon advised me to 'have a talk' with Taylor I didn't expect it in front of wave of public. Though the flashes of their cameras and the constant yelling were loud, I continue to hear my heart beating out of my chest.

Muffle sounds were the only thing I could make out from the paparazzi and reporters' lips. No one was here with me. The boys were strictly directed back to the mansion. My mum wasn't in contact ever since my last coming to her flat. Paul wasn't here. Uncle Simon wasn't here.

Many people surrounded some unknown, and many familiar paparazzi faces. The attention was all on me but why did I feel like I was unaided and abandoned. I thought I was prepared but I wasn't. No one was here to give me support. The only ones who stayed near me were the five bodyguards who kept their positions for the longest times, like those fake statues around famous city streets I have visited before.

I was now on stage on top of every reporter, magazine writer's and many more. The pressure was too overwhelming. I wanted to escape, get out, but I was already too late. Sitting down on the elongated velvet covered table, I glanced on the other side of me and there I saw her.

She wore a polka dot sallow and burgundy dress that went down on her knees. Her golden waves, lazily yet perfect, laid on her slouched shoulders. This was what made me lure to her. Her beauty was lust. My eyes trailed up to her face, her eyes boring into mine. She wasn't a bad person. We were the same. Misunderstood. Also another reason why I broke up with her.

The sound of the microphone that would make whenever too close to the speaker, alerted everyone in the room. Everyone stayed quite but the flashes continued.

"Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen here we have today Taylor Swift and Harry Styles."

Nothing I heard was pleasant after my name was said. Murmurs, the sounding of cameras and some names was the only things let out.

"Okay then. Questions can now be asked by the two," she paced off with her mike. Waves of hands were thrown in the air. I pointed at one as it fixed his collar and scrutinized through his miniscule notebook.

"Harry I think everyone here just wants to know..." he gestures towards the crowd "...why happened between you and Taylor?"

I have heard this question by many people and forthrightly I never gave the time to answer it.

"Stuff happens," I blurted out.

"Stuff happens!?" one shouted out from the crowd. She arose from the rest.

"By stuff do you mean her getting pregnant Harry?" she retorded.

I felt dumb at the choice of words that flee.

"To confirm you guys headline, I am not pregnant so can we get that issue aside." Taylor interrupted, but the lady was determined

"Or did you abuse Taylor? Or maybe you wanted to get an abortion so your career won't be ruined?" she pointed her pen back and forth towards Taylor and I, trying to prove a point. I was speechless. I felt like I was in court and I was in the verge of being presented guilty on something I haven't done.

After what the person has accused, small mutters turned into talking all at once and now shouting while shoving to where I settled, shoving microphones to my face.

Looking once again at Taylor, she looked at me helpless. She was shocked as well.

"Stop!" I bellowed and for once they actually listened but of course the flashes continued.

"Have you guys ever considered my feelings in this situation? Or hers because of all the fault of your system?" I questioned the public.

"Don't make up shit stories involving other innocent people because of who I chose to be now." I have had enough at this point.

"There was a girl. She was beautiful and her name was Sophia. And yes I fell deep in love. What happened? She died. From a car accident. But the thing was I wasn't there with her. She ran away because she was scared of what will happen when she's gone. She was a coward. She wasn't strong enough for both of us." I couldn't stop even when everyone's attention was on me.

"You ask me how one girl can fuck me up when I could basically get any girl I want out there? Because I fucking loved her! And I'm so mad at myself that I wasn't there when she was at her worst when I promised myself I would."

The silence was now replaced by a disarray of questions and I almost fell from the faintness.

"Sir, we have to go or you will get trampled." One of my bodyguards spoke in a much higher voice than what I expected. I nodded my head allowing them to escort me out. In front of me, I could see Taylor's petite body running swiftly through the crowd trying to escape the mayhem. I followed her behind trying to reach her; furious at the kayos that just occurred.

"Taylor," I called out through the people.

"Taylor!" I attempted again but she still didn't hear me.

We were separated and I looked around the room, paparazzi, interviewers, reporters surrounding around us in a form of a circle.

Making my way to the double door, I exited the building, wishing that this day never happened.


I pulled my coat near my ears in need of warmth as snow began to fall from the sky. Since I have walked out of the building and since I was too caught up into the scene, I had forgot that my flat was an hour away.

Now I have just walked 45 minutes and I could see the recognizable flickering lamp light on my street. I began crossing the intersection not looking both ways, knowing that no one usually goes through.

My mind was set towards my flat but my feet differed. I started making my way to Ariana's flat.

Giving the door a slight knock, the door was instantaneously opened and there exposed a poignant Ariana and followed greeting with an embracing hug.

"I'm sorry. I saw in TV what had happened with paparazzi," she whispered, her breath hitting my neck.

Though she continues to hug me, I didn't return the favor, unfamiliar at the feeling I had in my heart. Her warmth around me seems to affect the temperature of my feeling also.

Finally letting go, she plastered me sympathetic smile.

"Want to com-?" I invited myself in, not letting her finish her sentence. The room told much about Ariana's personality just the color of the paintings and the setting of her books told a lot.

"Look Arian-" I turned around, meeting her face just centimeters from mine. Her mint, hot breath wafts on my face as mine to hers.

We settled in that point. We stared at each other's eyes, adoring each one's.

"Thank you," I breathed out as we stayed still in those positions. We didn't lean in, we didn't move out. We kept still.

No one's Pov:

Ariana don't. A small voice in her head whispers but reverberates into many other voices.

Don't lean in. Don't fall in love. They continue to word. Ariana had her mind put and she knew that she would not lean in for a kiss, though; she couldn't force herself to get out of the pose.

She stayed there admiring his eyes. His eyes were one of the things she adores about him. Her heart alleviate as she sees his eyes dissolve into a lighter texture. She was locked in and she couldn't get out.

Harry, stays yearn by her natural beauty, her littlest flaws and how she didn't attempt to hide it made it striking for Harry. He continues to argue in his head that he will not fall in love with her or anyone but he then remembers what his mum's first love advice for him when he was just 11 years of age.

"The heart and feelings are not forced. You cannot teach it nor control it. It chooses."

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