Turn Your Face

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  • Dedicated to to everyone who began and finished this book

Chapter 43: Turn Your Face

The crowd erupted in ear-piercing cries and cheers. Some held banners of quotes while others printed words relating of One Direction's fandom.

"We love you Niall," a group screamed as he began his solo in little things. Hearing that one sentence shout amongst everyone brought a smile on the Irish's lips. Tears glassed in his eyes as he stared at the crowed in awe at the affection and love they brought towards him.

"....if I let you know, I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you...oh..."

As the last of his solo ended, it was finally Harry's turn to take over.

Harry continued with the lyrics and can't help but feel his heart tug in sorrow, remembering Ariana.

All their voices coursed through the air of the continuous cheers and joining sings from below them but all the lads' eyes focused on the very broken person on stage with them.

The song ending, it was also the end of the concert but not without the thank you one from the group speaks for bringing them where they are now.

"Wow," Liam breathed out in the microphone.

"You guys are the most amazing fans. I just. Look at us," Liam pointed to each boys, the beads of sweat visible in the spotlight as his smile dazzled in joy, "we would never be here without you guys. Thank you for everything and we love you guys. Good night."

More cheers erupted as each of One Direction member exited out of the stage and onto backstage.

Grabbing water bottles from the counter, the boys began to chug down every bit of the water, their voice already feeling strained from the long concert. The whole crew congratulated the boys and earned pats on the back at another yet successful day.

With the last pat on the back Louis received, his eyes wandered around at the room in search for the broken soul.

"Louis lets go eat..." Zayn called from behind him, waving his hand over. When Louis stopped his frantic search, he faced Zayn with stressing features, concerned on where Harry had yet run off to again. Louis hesitated and from the familiar look Zayn received, he exhaled a breath of air and nodded in understanding.

Louis smiled in appreciation towards his considerate mate and ran off, searching each room in the building, in search for his friend.

About to give up in his hunt and head off towards a bar to where he would expect Harry to run, muffled voices were heard from the stairwell, which was the one he would least expect Harry to be.

Continuing his steps towards the shaded end of the building, he stopped at the sight of curly haired guy sitting on the steps, his phone on his ear and his eyes closed tight.

Relief washed over Louis knowing that Harry hadn't run off to a bar to throw his misery.

Taking slow steps, not wanting to startle his friend by his presence, he couldn't help but be angry towards fate and how pitiless he was towards his brother.

Crouching down on eye level with Harry, he patted his knee in a comforting way, Harry not surprise at the sudden appearance of Louis again.

"Is it her again?" Louis whispered, giving Harry a pitiful look. Harry hardly responded only with a mere nod, gripping tight on the device at the croak yet angelic voice through the phone.

As her voice ended, Harry was quick to open his eyes pulling the phone off. Clicking play again, he placed the phone towards his ear, memorizing her each word and listening to it every day being the last reminder of her.

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