Silent Promises

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Chapter 17: Silent Promises


Ariana's Pov:

"Hi Ariana," Harry mumbled as he lowered his head down sending me the hint that he was shamed that he knew me. He was with four other lads that looked quite familiar. I'm guessing this is the One Direction whole in one. I didn't know any of their names which were upsetting. But, the one with a cute birthmark on his neck introduced himself and so did the others.

"Hello there. My name is Liam, this is Niall, Louis, Zayn. Nice to meet you," He said in a mannered tone, making me suspicious in whether this is how he really acts upon meeting people or if it was a cover of his true personality.

To be honest, they were all attractive in some way. Each had that one thing that made them shine from the rest.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Ariana. I'm Harry's neighbor," I introduced in return, even though Harry said it already.

I was about to formally continue with , 'I'm Harry's friend' but from the fit he threw earlier this morning and the act he was showing right now, I decided against it. I bit my lower lip and gave them all a small smile, getting self-conscious as they looked, and uttered not one word.

Liam being the seemingly kind person he is, took his hand out. I gladly took his offer. The others followed except for two, which was Harry, and I was guessing his name was Louis?

Louis stared down at me, which was more more of glare. I looked down at my feet. No one said a word or made any sound. I finally had the guts to get my coyness out of the way and spoke up.

"Umm. It was really nice meeting you boys, but I really should get going. So goodbye." I rushed, turning my back to them and scurrying off.

It was rude of me to just go off but, that was one of the most uncomfortable meetings I have ever been involved in. I am not usually a timid person, but their stares and the judgment in their mind - of me - kind of gave me an alert on how I looked.

I didn't really dress much today. I wore little make-up such as mascara, eyeliner and a bit of lip balm. Obviously not enough to cover the many flaws I knew I had. And to add on, I had a pull over, a pair of Jeans, while my hair is up on a messy bun.

Once I saw them watching me intently, I knew for a fact that they were sizing me up, especially that Louis lad. The other's had been nice, and gave me welcoming smiles. He on the other hand, gave me a smug look. Also I couldn't help notice that when the air was quiet he said something to Zayn's ear which I heard perfectly well.

"I bet she is one of those girls who cling on Harry when he calls."

When he said that, it broke me and the fact that Harry glanced at him and didn't say a word.

The boys heard it also since they looked at Louis. They were appalled at his rude comment, but said nothing.

I didn't even know if I should continue and help Harry. Yesterday, I trusted him, and he took me to the most peaceful place I have ever been to. This morning he yells at me, and now I am judged by his band mates. I am on the verge of jumping off a cliff. But I decided to think of that later. Right now I'm going to focus on these kids who are in need of my company when they were never provided one.

Zayn's Pov:

We watched as she scurried off like a minuscule mouse in a bat's cage.

Someone started chuckling, and we all turned to Louis who couldn't breathe and was holding his mouth. His laugh was unnecessary and quite rude at the situation right now.

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