Thug Levi x Mute reader

Start from the beginning

You two both gaze into each others eyes. You have loved how his stormy grey eyes looked, unintentionally you two lean forward but before you two can do anything the door burst open making you push him away from you.

"Big bro!!Y/N!!" Isabel screams out making you wince at her loud voice.

"Keep it down brat." he says glaring at Isabel.

"Sorry big Bro but we saw them, they are here already." Isabel says looking at you then at Levi. He walks to the closet and starts to put his gear on. You look at the closet and bite your lip.

"I know what you are thinking brat, we already discussed this you are not coming." Levi says as he buckles the last strap.

"Big bro come on Farlan is waiting." Isabel says as she walks out giving you a sad look. She knew how much you wanted to help but Levi hardly ever let you help go on supple runs.

"Y/N stay here and if anything goes wrong you know what to do." He says and you nod your head.

He flicks your forehead making you glare at him."What was that for Levi?"

He just looks at you and ruffles your hair hair again. " You know the drill don't answer the door to anyone and do not leave the house." He says as he walks outside. You watch as Isabel and Levi fly off to meet up with Farlan. You close the door as you sit down on the table.

In order to pass time you decide to start cooking something halfway through preparing lunch there was a knock on the door making you frown. You pick up the knife from the counter and get close to the door.

There is another knock on the door and you hear the door nob jiggle. You raise the knife ready to attack who ever is trying to intrude. There is a loud band as someone tries to kick down the door.

The door slams open and two figures with green capes come in. You quickly bring your knife to stab one person but the figure grabs your arm and twist it back. You bring your foot and trip the figure triping him or her.

You bring your fist up and hit the figure but the other one grabs you and pins you to the floor.

"Dam she can punch." Says the figure on the floor as the figure removes his hood and wipes his bloody nose. You struggle and kick out causing the men to hold you down.

You are brought to a clearing you can see levi fight with some tall blond male. You turn your head to the side when you here Isabel's voice shout."let me go you basterds!"

You look back at Levi and you two meet each others eyes. He glares and drops his knife.

The men lead you to the others and forces you on your knees. They take the gear from Levi, Farlan, and Isabel.

"Y/N are you alright." Levi whispers and you nod your eyes.

"Were did you get these gear." The tall blond asks and is greeted by silence.

"You three are very good with the Munever Gear. From what i heard you are very talented with the gear as well." He says looking at you, once again there was silence.

"What are your names?" He asks. When you four say nothing the tall male nods and Levi's face os shoved into a dirty puddle. You struggle as you glare at the tall male.

Levi's face is brought back up as he stares at Levi. "You're the leader correct, i can see you have taken a liking to this one." He says as he nods and a sword is put on your neck.

"Levi." He says as he glares at the male behind you.

"And the rest of you."



He looks at you. "Your name?" He asks as you open your mouth and close it.

When you don't say anything your hair is pulled and the blade is pressed harder to your skin.

"Her name is-" Levi starts but is cut off.

"I need to hear her say it" the male says as he looks at you.

"She can't talk please her name is Y/N L/N!!" Isabel yells as she looks at you

"How did she become mute?" He asks as Levi growls.

"That is none of your bussiness." Levi growls glaring at the male.

"My name is Erwin Smith. Join the scouts and leand you strenghth and help humanity." He says as he stares at Levi.

Levi only glares as he looks up.

"You can either join or we will turn you over to the Millitary Police." Erwin says as he stares the four of you down.

"Tch fine we'll join." Levi says as your eyes widden.

All of you are lead out of the underground. "Y/N we will go through with the plan but you are not to be involved with it." Levi whispers in your ear and you nod your head.

Once you are above the surface you wince as the light hits your face. You four are then escorted to a carriage were. All of you sit in silence. Isabel just looks out the window with a big smile on her face.

You take in a deep breath and let it, hopefully Levi knows what he is doing.

Levi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now